Sunday, October 13, 2024



 This is central to the unwelcomed, but essential, message from the wisdom of Carl Jung. This is  from some 100 years ago. Such personal enlightenments by enough folks appear now to be the change that could still 'heal and save' our socially/spiritually rapidly deteriorating human/divine world.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


The most difficult lesson I've faced as an adult is the
unending need to survive, regardless of how broken I feel

It doesn't matter if my heart is aching, if I'm mourning the loss of someone I love, or if I'm too tired to even get out of bed. Life doesn't wait for me to catch my breath. It keeps moving forward, indifferent to my pain, and I'm left with no choice but to push through, even when every part of me is screaming for a moment of rest.

But what's even harder is realizing that no one truly prepares you for this. We grow up believing in the comfort of happy endings, only to be met with the harsh reality that survival often means pretending you're okay when you're not. And maybe that's the hardest part-not just surviving, but doing so quietly, without letting the weight of it show. Yet, through it all, we find strength we never knew we had, because despite the heaviness, we keep moving.

- LJ Blossoms.


I think our lives are far more solitary and individual journeys than we like to accept.  That aloneness can make us think something has gone wrong.

But we don't imo live the most important moments of challenge, struggle and victories as a team, family, or group but as a single individual human being.

We can't, and hopefully come to where, we wouldn't want to change that. This is why it is the individual human that is the highest value in the created world and that is what each of us is.

Only knowing this unique 'alone experience' can we come closer to knowing who and what we are. And there we may find, with all its acknowledged flaws and imperfections, something that has won our love and respect. I'd wish that for every person. Jim

Sunday, August 11, 2024


 I was raised and became a full-time minister in the non-instrumental Church of Christ. It was strongly formative for me and I'm grateful for the nurturing and objective Bible knowledge it gave me. 

I began an unexpected personal development process in1981while participating in Clinical Pastoral. Education(CPE). This led me to a broader view of the Bible's nature and the Christ story than could fit the general COC point of view.  That distance increased after I was released from my 8-year ministry in 1984.

I've sometimes felt resentful about the restrictions the COC perspective places on persons' spiritual growth and its tendency toward exclusion and divisiveness.  And a natural, however long-time Unconscious, superiority its beliefs encouraged in me. And perhaps to the minds of other members through the years.

Dream: I was presently in a gathering and worship service of a mainline COC congregation. There were friendly conversations, and I had no interest in bringing up my differences in a perspective I once shared with them.

I think the dream suggests me accepting that my development necessarily led me from the strong emotional ties I had with the COC until midlife. That I rightfully and gratefully can own the COC environment as my important religious heritage. I can drop any tendency to not respect the people there. And instead to engage with them as important and mutual brothers and sisters.

Note: One ministry that is part of this denomination is that of Landon Saunders. There is now a department bearing his name at Abelene Christian University. His more human-valuing emphasis was at the center of my 'growth spurt' in 1981. And his materials are ones I still respect and find consistent with my understanding of the 'spirit of Christ'

                        Landon Saunders

Monday, August 5, 2024


FINDING ONE'S WAY....August 4, 2024

At age 38 in 1913, Carl Gustav Jung* was a successful world-renowned Switzerland psychiatrist and university researcher/professor.  Sigmund Freud, already credited with scientifically proving the reality of the Unconscious, which unknowingly is working in our words and behaviors, had named Jung heir to carry on his work.

But at this juncture Jung realized that his view of the Unconscious was much broader and potentially more promising than Freud's. He, partly consciously and partly unconsciously, forced a permanent separation of the two men. 

This resulted in Jung finding himself in a no-man's land without patterns or guidelines to follow for his personal and professional life. This has, and undoubtedly will, happen to others. It must, at the time, be an experience of stumbling into a meaningless abyss amid one's orderly life. 

He knew he must go his own way however lonely and separated. He resigned from his prestigious positions while continuing to see his patients. He would seek answers for the questions his abyss experience had assigned to him. He knew now he would search within himself, his natural dreams and focused fantasies, as well as outer resources which came and seemed relevant to his fatefully assigned task.

As long as a person's life continues the well-worn and socially acceptable paths of family and religious/cultural expectations, one avoids the situation described above. And life with its normal troubles, ups and downs goes in rather typical and generally expected ways to its physical end.

This collective type of path usually provides an adult with some reasonable sense of meaning, purpose and hope in life. Thus, one does not experience the more extreme trauma of a more individually unique and dangerous journey. This would be in the long run, I suspect Jung would agree, a fuller experience of both a person's human and divine nature.

Such an unexpected turn in life can be understood more hopefully as a person 'falling' into their genuine human uniqueness. And being significantly torn away from the general collective, more comfortable and predictable patterns of life.  It can be a time of severe meaninglessness and hopelessness for an individual. A person could live only so long in that state without tragically losing their healthy mind. 

There are many examples of other persons having similar experiences. Some have found themselves making needed and noble contributions to humanity. We may become aware of such persons in our education but may know little about how they found their way out of the life-threatening personal abyss. 

So, it may still be uncommon knowledge to describe how such persons stumbled onto a 'path less traveled' and of the costs and ecstasies they then encountered. Ones which only indirectly led to their much-needed contributions to culture.

With no examples in his early 19th century culture to guide him, how did Jung find his way into a creative meaning for his personal existence and a unique sense of a purpose for his life?

A primary path out of his abyss was stumbling onto some previous historical examples of persons and communities which had recorded similar inner experiences and images which Jung was having. Inner experiences of the Collective Unconscious he was faithfully recording along with some from his modern patients. 

Two important resources which arrived to him were writings from the ancient Christian communities of Alchemists, mystics and Gnostics. Another was an ancient Chinese document titled The Secret Of the Golden Flower.  As he saw connections between himself and these ancient writings, he enthusiastically plunged into a laborious study of them for what his contemporaries would have seen as mostly non-sense. 

But to Jung they became ever-more-clear answers to questions which his personal 'fall into the abyss' of the Unconscious had posed to him. 

All this mushrooming discovery over four plus decades was very much anchored in what had previously been to him and his culture, and I suspect to Sigmund Freud, Unconscious. 

He found this to be a living stream of material which potentially lies within reach of every human being. It could result in great leaps in the psychological and spiritual evolution of individuals and of our species. It might foster the arrival of a desperately needed transformation of human values for emerging times. And it could lead to important strides in understanding and compassion among humans worldwide. This, in turn, may curtail our present collective path toward destruction of ourselves and our Earth home.

A reason I'm moved to write this is that some of our human peers may 'fall' into the abyss of their own human/divine uniqueness. They may find Jung's path, and the ideas and processes he rediscovered, a rich resource. This might help some escape despair and bring back to culture much-needed treasures. Treasures from the cosmic expanse of the Collective Unconscious, which connects us all, for the creative evolution of a safer and higher quality of human life on earth.

* Historical references are accurate to my best knowledge.

Sunday, May 5, 2024


 Science has  proven with dazzling results to be humanity's best tool for investigating and exploring the physical/material realities of the universe and the measurable energies which cause changes.

However, our developed materialistic sciences do not claim to explore the non-material, that is the psyche/spiritual realm, realities which are, if not now more,  important to human quality-of-life as the material factors. 

C.G. Jung's Analytical Psychology (Depth Psychology) has for a hundred years used the scientific critical thinking approach to explore the inner human world of real psyche/spiritual 'facts' such as occurring dreams, intuitions, human mythologies and active imaginations.

The use of scientific rigor in the exploration of both our outer and inner worlds makes possible a developing world-view which honors the wholeness, physical facts and inner psychic facts, of being human. We  each have both a 'real' outer and inner world. 

This inner world exploration through Analytical Psychology is still in its infancy compared to the 400 years of practicing materialistic science. The potential of positive rewards( which world threats are showing is needed) for humans' increased knowledge of ourselves toward the healing of lives and of the world is inestimable. 

Hopefully, we are at a point of human development where strong/fearful biases against the exploration of our inner/spiritual world are lifting, so that a new epoch of learning is well underway. 

This new knowledge may be well expressed by the ancient astrologically famous symbol of Aquarius, the 'water bearer' which pours much needed healing waters of transformation and wisdom upon humanity and our earth.

Friday, April 5, 2024


Jung reported that authentic enduring light comes from a person who acknowledges his/her own darkness. The quote below says the same, as well as many other enlightened voices and revelations of wisdom over the ages. If one would face the true darkness he experiences as an individual he might ignite some light which must be the primary reason each of us is here.