Thursday, January 30, 2020


It is encouraging that younger Americans are showing ethical discernment beyond that of many of their elders. It appears that days are gone when it is accurate to think greater age is associated with wisdom and more careful moral judgment.

An aging human should be expected to have gained a measure of wisdom, a broadened ethical view and an expanded empathy for the whole world. But we have lost our footing as a culture. We are not consistently producing that. We are out of touch with our deeper evolutionary roots. Roots that include our animal nature for sure and also our sense of belonging to nature and of caring deeply about it , ourselves and all its creatures.

 It even appears that elderly white men are less concerned about ethics in government and society than any other group. There is perhaps a serious present moral crisis in this fornerly highly esteemed  trusted group of Americans.

 I'm thankful that younger persons are showing improved capacity to envision a more just future than many of their dragging behind elders.

I suspect and hope this higher moral consciousness among the younger is more nuanced than any list or litmus tests of moral wrongs but rests more on solid principles; ethical attitudes of individuals treating others in just, respectful and coperative ways. An earnest seeking of behavior and policy that are truly for the 'common good', not just personal interests, of humanity and the Earth.

Under 30's may be having a clearer grasp of what is ethically wrong in social human behavior and public policy and why it is dangerous to all. That is encouraging.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


This is one of the most vigorous  'Lady Liberty'  images of human life's  feminine principle/power.  And it was  created and presented  by Americans. It was met with much social criticism in 1917.
The psychological/spiritual image of the feminine principle occurs in cultures and religions throughout the world from the beginning of human consciousness. But until recent history our Western countries have been dominated for millennia by the contrasting  masculine principle. It  includes dominating, conquering and penetrating power against a foe. In contrast the feminine principle insists on mutuality, respect, equality and cooperation among humans.
This 1917  American coin can be seen as a forecast of the evolutionary rise and increase in the expression of the  feminine kind of power in America and the world. We can now historically    observe just what a difficult  time 'she' would have in inserting her ideals to compensate for the embedded masculine dominating ones in Western cultures.
But there is no evolutionary or spiritual  reason to think her trend will be stopped.  Evolution  and history have named it as essential for world hope and survival. 'She' is the needed balancing change that has been  so much missing.
The images of the feminine  principle have arisen from the Collective Unconscious  worldwide  from the beginnings of human history. A most powerfully articulated  pre  Civil  and World Wars one is from the amazing German writer Goethe. The closing line in his epic work Faust (1829) profoundly  says, " And the eternal feminine shall lead us onward." 
Goethe's creation also can  surely to be taken as  a prediction of the strong  hopeful and healing rise of the feminine principle in the world. Importantly, not to dominate the essential  masculine  principle but to bring necessitated saving balance and equality to our fractured  human world.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Our Human Consciousness Not Used Responsibly Is Presently Destroying Us... January 4, 2020

This is true. It means we are not really being fully human. We are misusing our intelligence in this most basic way that the other creatures can't, destroying our only home. And at a very fast rate. Our human consciousness not used responsibly is Presently destroying Us. We humans must turn that around.

Bill Gates Urges Lawmakers To Raise Taxes On America’s Billionaires ...January 10, 2020

You know there are very good and urgent reasons to do this and it's not about hating the ' wealthy.'  Does anyone know why so many persons, not that wealthy themselves, are so enchanted with not doing it?

Bill Gates Urges Lawmakers To Raise Taxes On America’s Billionaires

Present Heroes Are Likely To Be More Timeless Than Many Past Ones And That Is A Good Sign...Janary 12, 2020

It is encouraging to see citizens  claiming the 21st century by naming and commemorating  real  timeless heroes in the human story. It is hard to imagine such a hero like this  ever having to sadly  be realized as in his day being bigoted, discriminatory,  or racist in his  humane heroism.

Such  negative aspects of heroism nearly had to be the case with many former  acknowledged American heroes. For humanity itself , as a whole, had not moved but slightly beyond  extreme tribalism,  sexism,  patriarchy and racism. It is a matter of evolution.

Many of the more recently selected heroes encouragingly show us there has been some healthy  collective human development going on in the past century. Where recognized heroes are more likely persons and groups serving the good of all of humanity and even the Earth itself, not just their own brand or group.


I do not post this to be provocative but, when in our nation many are finally wondering if humanity loving itself can ever be possible, I'm trying to be practical.
The following article may be a fairly clear statement about the kind of wisdom the world and God Itself is depending on more humans grasping as a most practical and truer view of ourselves, the world and others.
It attempts to reveal what remains hidden- an amazingly hopeful and generous attitude, claiming to be capable of transcending all the threatening one sided opposites including those we experience and see clearly in politics, personal relationships , religion, education, philosophy , science and especially in our own hearts.
Is it easy to read and consider? No. Not because it is some intellectual's shrouded secret but because we all have an insistent blindness . We insist on seeing the world and reality how we wish and 'need' it to be rather than how it is even in our own personal undefended experience.
If a newborn could speak, before it is infected with our fearful prejudices, of where it has come from I think its message would resemble this one. It's just true to the full heart of nature.
This of course is just one of endless expressions of these things. It is the same timeless message found at the heart of untampered 'religious ' revelation of the millennia and what is richest in the world's most profound literature, art, drama and music; in other words the very best and truest cultured products of our species. There are once trod paths to truth, character and authenticity.

Valentina Rosone to C.G. Jung. The Red Book
                         January 7 at 9:27 AM
I was listening to this beautiful lecture from Alan Watts on Carl Jung, and I felt so appreciative that I felt the urge to transcribe the best part of it, and also felt the desire to share this with you.
Have a great evening you all:) Jim H
«There was a sort of twinkle in Jung’s eye, that gave me the impression that he knew himself to be just as much a villain as everybody else.
There is a nice German word, hintergedanken, which means “a thought in the very far far back of your mind”.
Jung had a hintergedanken in the back of his mind, that showed in the twinkle in his eye. It showed that he knew and recognised what I sometimes call “the element of irreducible rascality” in himself.(But don't take this unacceptable character problem as some harmless mischievousness. It is about the activated or potential real evil and wrong in our actions or heart.)
And he knew it so strongly and so clearly and in a way so lovingly, that he would not condemn the things in others and would therefore not be lead into those thoughts, feelings, and acts of violence towards others which are always characteristic of the people who project the devil in themselves upon the outside – upon somebody else – upon the scapegoat.
Now, this made Jung a very integrated character. In other words, here I have to present a little bit of a complex idea. He was a man who was thoroughly with himself – having seen and accepted his own nature profoundly. He had a kind of unity and absence of conflict in his own nature which had to exhibit additional complications that I find so fascinating. He was the sort of man who could feel anxious and afraid and guilty without being ashamed of feeling this way.
In other words, he understood that an integrated person is not a person who has simply eliminated the sense of guilt or the sense of anxiety from his life – who is fearless and wooden and kind of sage of stone. He is a person who feels all these things, but has no recrimination against himself for feeling them. And this is to my mind a profound kind of humor.
You know in humor there is always a certain element of malice.
There was a talk given on the Pacifica stations, just a little while ago, which was an interview with Al Capp. And Al Capp made the point that he felt that all humor was fundamentally malicious. Now, there’s a very high kind of humor which is humor at one’s self – malice towards one’s self. The recognition of the fact that, behind the social role that you assume; behind all your pretention of being either a good citizen or a fine scholar or a great scientist or a leading politician or a physician or whatever you happen to be – that behind that façade – there is a certain element of the unreconstructed bum.
⟶ ➳ Not as something to be condemned and wailed over, but as something to be recognised as contributive to one’s greatness and to one’s positive aspect; in the same way that manure is contributive to the perfume of the rose.
Jung saw this, and Jung accepted this.
And I want to read a passage from one of this lectures, which I think is one of the greatest things he ever wrote. And which has been a very marvellous thing for me. It was in a lecture delivered to a group of clergy in Switzerland a considerable number of years ago and he writes as follows:
“People forget that even doctors have moral scruples and that certain patients' confessions are hard even for a doctor to swallow. Yet the patient does not feel himself accepted unless the very worst of him is accepted too. No one can bring this about by mere words. It comes only through reflection and through the doctor’s attitude towards himself and his own dark side. If the doctor wants to guide another or even accompany him a step of the way, he must feel with that person’s psyche.
He never feels it when he passes judgement. Whether he puts his judgments into words or keeps them to himself, makes not the slightest difference. To take the opposite position, and to agree with the patient offhand is also of no use, but estranges him as much as condemnation. Feeling comes only through unprejudiced objectivity.
This sounds almost like a scientific precept. And it could be confused with a purely intellectual abstract attitude of mind. But what I mean is something quite different.
⟶ ➳ It is a human quality: a kind of deep respect for the factsfor the man who suffers from them, and for the riddle of such a man’s life. The truly religious person has such an attitude. He knows that God has brought all sort of strange and inconceivable things to pass and seeks in the most curious ways to enter a man’s heart. He therefore senses in everything the unseen presence of the Divine Will.
This is what I mean by unprejudiced objectivity.
It is a moral achievement on the part of the doctor who ought not let himself be repelled by sickness and corruption. We cannot change anything unless we accept it.
Condemnation does not liberate. It oppresses. And I am the oppressor of the person I condemnnot his friend and his fellow sufferer.
I do not in the least mean to say that we must never pass judgement when we desire to help and improve. But, if the doctor wishes to help a human being, he must be able to accept him as he is. And he can do this in reality, only when he has already seen and accepted himself as he is.
Perhaps this sounds very simple, but simple things are always the most difficult. In actual life, it requires the greatest art to be simple. And so, acceptance of oneself is the essence of the moral problem, and the acid test of one’s whole outlook on life.
That I feed the beggar; that I forgive an insult; that I love my enemy in the name of Christ; all these are undoubtedly great virtues. What I do unto the least of my brethren that I do unto Christ.
But what if I should discover, that the least amongst them all; the poorest of all beggars; the most impudent of all offenders; yet the very fiend himself; that these are within me? And that I, myself, stand in need of the arms of my own kindness? That I, myself, am the enemy that must be loved.
What then?
Then, as a rule, the whole truth of Christianity is reversed. There is then no more talk of love and long suffering. We say to the brother within us: Rocca, and condemn and rage against ourselves. We hide him from the world. We deny ever having met this least among the lowly in ourselves. And had it been God himself who drew near to us in this despicable form, we should have denied him a thousand times before a single cock had crowed.”

With So Much Chaotic News We Easily Miss The Damage Being Done To The Environment...Jan 23, 2020

How I wish these things were not happening. But they are, right in front of us with little resistance.

Trump Removes Pollution Protections for America’s Rivers and Streams.

What power and trust the constitution puts in its office of  President. How great and deep the damage when that enormous power is not responsibly used in authentic care for the nation, its citizens and our limited natural resources.

The Glaring Embarrassment Of Wealth Inequality In Present Humanity... January 20, 2020

Look for a moment at the big picture of creation and the whole world. After all each of us is a conscious part of this same big world.

Can anyone seriously harmonize this actual material wealth  situation with our humane idea that the Earth and human knowledge, with their gifts of food, clothing, shelter and medical care,  are divinely intended as the gifts of God to every person?
Or do some truly still think that the Divine will is that these gifts should be harshly withheld from billions of  humans and absurdly lavished on others?
And that if we personally have, for whatever reasons we state, these essential human needs consistently met that it is not necessarily each one's personal concern that so many don't?
Does our having such a self focused attitude reflect that a human is failing to  practice the use of his or her rational and caring capacities? The world, and its  humans who are barely if at all subsisting,  have no one else to count on but us more materially enriched humans. The other plants and creatures can't do this kind of thoughtful reflection and planning. But we can.

Opening Ourselves To Ever Present Images That Can Healthily Transform Us... January 18, 2020

'Primordial images' refers to the language of dreams and the ancient myths, including those of religious story and fairy tales.
I think Jung is saying these images and feelings, though coming from below and the past , can raise us above our temporary, local material grasp of life and its meaning and endurance.  This is the natural process by which humans have been mindfully or psychologically transformed throughout the ages. 

Primordial repeating images of all humankind and nature nearly always find their way into our best most creative art as novels, drama, painting , poetry , music and film.
When you leave such entertainment where you have been touched deeply, resist concluding , 'It was only a movie or music or play."
It was more likely your potential encounter with the depths, with the primordial images, with the Divine itself. Dont dismiss it. Take it in fully. Meditate on it. Dont miss its life shaping meaning for you. It is far above our mundane surface encounters, sound bites and trivia.
Our culture has sensitized us to give no value or emotional recognition to these windows where the Divine seeks to touch us. We are told that is only fantasy, childishness, superstition rather than the natural material for building up an inner spiritual life.
This is a tragedy-our modern acceptance of a materialistic shallow orientation toward the world, nature and the Sacred.
We can each change that by anticipating and valuing the primordial images as they seek to reach our resisting ego consciousness.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Being Responsible With Any Inner ' Voice Of God'..Jan 20, 2020

This topic is very relavant due to the  present Senate trial on the impeachment of Present Donald Trump.

Here is another real life example of the kind of controlling religious notions on which President Trump has built his "Trump Is Always Right' following .

If an otherwise rational American juror sincerely believes that God has told him to vote a person ' innocent' ( No one has a right to deny this juror's inner experience in my view) and has told other jurors this, he is ethically obligated to recuse himself or be recused from his jury seat.

Because in our American democracy a juror is pledged to render his decision based 'only on the material facts presented in court' not on his inner spiritual experience which the other jurors have not had.

Mr Trump has tapped into the mindset of such religiously convicted people , including many judge appointees. They sincerely believe their view of God and God's Will( in their heart or their Holy Bible  interpretation) is to be made a civic public obligation, regardless of the best material facts available, on all other citizens. Their religious  view is considered to be the  'right' view for all, made into  government policy, destroying our most basic personal freedom, including those claimed in the Constitution.

 There has always been a strong  thread of this  religiously inspired control-seeking effort in America but it is only now openly encouraged and supported by the President, for personal empowerment, and the appointed and elected leaders surrounding him.

 I think it is historically clear that never has America faced this specific kind of danger and threat. It can change us from a nation of collectivly evolved laws to one of an imposed minority rule. And it can happen quickly.

This is not just another passing political phase leading to any 'more perfect union.' Only determined informed American citizens can correct this contrived situation by publicly expressing themselves non violently .

Other Notes:

This is  a complicated personal and collective  ethical issue. On reflection I  seriously altered the 2nd paragraph to include, ' has told the other jurors'. (that is the case in the article)

When a person uses his own irrational inner assurances to subvert or dismiss the sincere decision making of others he has done them wrong.

A 'God's voice' must be taken seriously but also questioned. I do suspect there are situations where one must make a judgment in spite of only the best physical rational evidence present.

One with a 'voice from God' is still obligated to take in the full weight of the physical evidence even if his judgment goes beyond that. He does not escape the tension. He never parades, 'God told me.'...for that is a very difficult and suffering conclusion to reach.

One can never, in good conscience, yield fully to any human  system that requires her to ignore her heart, the irrational.

 And one also always owes much to his  human peers who are conscientiously, often without any inner assurances, wrestling for the most ethical answers.