Saturday, January 1, 2022


I'd feel better if every American watched and felt this episode of Heat of the Night. In this series I suspect Carrol O'Conner gets to act out his actual life values. 

This in contrast to his excellent portrayal of bigoted racist Archie Bunker in the series All In The Family. That character, ahead of its time in TV, was meant to satirically teach Americans the destructive mental health of such a man as Archie. That is why it is in the form of rich Comedy. 

Sadly these decades later we find many Americans admire such a character.  Apparently it was taken as a man who speaks his mind, lives his prejudices and bigotry openly like a 'tough guy.'

Such TV shows in the 60s and 70s did much to bring America's dark side into the open with such episodes as this rape of a school teacher. And we are still trying to come to terms with those same issues in 2022. I'm not content  that  presently heralded emotional TV series have the creativity or will to deal with such ethical issues as these older programs did. 

This episode is surely not out of date. It is done not only creatively but I think with rich psychological and spiritual insight. Reading the plot can be a reminder but watching the presentation( try YouTube) is an experience I wish all adults might have or have again.

'UNION OF OPPOSITES' FOR 2022?...January 15, 2022 January 1, 2022


A widely known Jungian depth psychologist explains the opinion that 2022 with it's many 2's can have a hopeful meaning for the world....that we've reached a time where many of the harsh  'opposites' we've necessarily lived and suffered with in recent centuries are perhaps finely tuned for a pronounced culture changing  increased 'union of opposites'. This, depth psychology suggests, has long been unconsciously yearned for by humanity. We all likely experience this split or lack of union in our potential wholeness day in and day out. And we see it increasingly clear in our outer world.

These 'opposite pairs' may include:  thinking & feeling, high & low, inner & outer, heaven & earth, conservative & liberal extremes, the masculine & feminine principles, man & woman, intuition & physical reality, strong & weak, sexuality & spirituality, assertiveness & passivity, flesh & spirit, head & soul, peace & war, intellect & heart, good & evil, disease & health, negative & positive, chaos &  order,  giving & receiving, science & 'religion', well being &  suffering, fullness & emptiness, Divine & Human, wealth & poverty, rules & freedom, material & spiritual, conscious & unconscious, Eros & Logos, Apollo & Dionysius, introversion & extroversion, love & control, calm & tension, choice & destiny, rational and irrational, fear & confidence, life & death, trust & doubt, love & power....and many other opposing factor pairs we experience in our daily living reality.

With our still necessarily limited consciousness all of us at times fall victim to one side of some of these opposites. We then strive for, culturally and personally, and often accept only one side while ignoring, denying and even despising and demonsizing the other. This reduces our capacity for balance and wholeness. The appropriate divine/human response has eternally been not to irradicate any side of an opposite pair but to seek and pray for a transcending union to occur.

Should 2022 be a year where many of these opposites  come together in better harmonies than yet known, both in individuals and in world dynamics,  we may be very satisfied and appreciative to have lived in this new year. 

There is likely imo no more realistic or supportable optimistic view of our present situation and problems than this one or something expecting a significant increase in the 'union of opposites' resulting in broader consciousness in us and in our one world.

The equal sided cross has been at intervals, from most ancinet times, a spiritually living symbol of the 'union of opposites' the world  has always evolutionarily been moving toward. It indicates a greater completion, harmony, balance and  wholeness naturally longing to be expressed uniquely in persons and in our only world home

A blessed 2022 for all persons worldwide !!