Carl Jung, Swiss M.D., research/theoretical psychotherapist, suggested a hundred years ago that we are moving from a prolonged age when the 'masculine principle' has been dominant; that of conquering, penetrating, breaking down, differentiating and analyzing everything. Reason more than feeling and intuition being of highest value for example.
This was needed for that age of development in Western Civilization: colonization, the industrial revolution, scientific medicine, modern technology and two fateful world wars are some of the outcomes, both positive and negative. Now the 'feminine principle' is seeking to correct that long, but in an evolutionary sense necessary, over abundance of the 'masculine principle' energy.
Both principles are part of every man and woman's deep psyche. A woman can have an over balance of the masculine attitude as likely as a man for example. Jung would suggest there has been an excess of 'masculine principle' energy in most every aspect of social expectations, religion, economics and politics.
It is more natural, thus easier by her nature, for a woman to be in touch with the 'feminine principle' than it is consciously for a man. But both, from cultural and sometimes religious influence, can miss developing it to the degree needed for adaptation today. In general all persons stand in need to further recognize and integrate in our age the 'feminine principle' and the attitudes and behaviors that flow from it. The 'feminine principle' has to do with healing, uniting and smoothing the way, of accepting and valuing differences in people, of not seeing 'difference' as an alert to violence or to fight or flight. But to stand in the middle so to speak, to be a bridge and not a wall in human commnication and relationships.
We presently lack this protective spirit in America. We let the bully, intimidator and the boisterous have their way with the community. We stand aside for the most economically leveraged to be 'in charge' as if they know best for what is needed for everyone. These are the disastrous short comings of the male principle gone too far.
We lack a full measure of well developed feminine principle but it is gaining strength; not to conquer the necessary male principle but to bring it to a healthy balance with the feminine. This feminine 'end the nonsense' attitude is in contrast to male planning, strategizing and conquering behavior toward others so effective in the past age. What did not happen on the GOP debate stage during this primary is one indication of the deficiency of 'feminine protective principle' at work psychologically in our culture.
From the psychological perspective both men and women of our culture in general stand in need of, and evolution is pushing us, discovering and implementing the feminine principle, to bring about a new personal and collective balance of mind and heart in our culture. (BTW, the Christian gospels can be interpreted as strong feminine principle teachings but they have instead traditionally been used to reinforce the 'male principle' attitudes of Western Civilization.)
Humanity does not make great social/psychological/spiritual changes without an internal fight. Also such cultural changes are far greater than any of the individuals involved. There is a 'greater than us mind' of evolutional type reality that pushes and invites us to higher levels of consciousness. No actual man or woman is perfectly developed and balanced in this ideal way. We can only be moving toward it, cooperating with it, not resisting it. And I sense hopeful signs that many persons are doing