Eros is one of three primary Greek words that is translated in English as 'love.' The three are: Agape- 'being loyal and receiving unconditionally the other', Phileo-' liking and enjoying the presence of the other' , and Eros ' desiring through all the senses, longing for the embodied Spiritual other'. I believe that until we as Western and Christian cultures can include all three dynamics of love into our' image of love' we cannot fully incorporate and experience the giving and receiving of love in all areas of our human lives. And that the process of adding back Eros in greater completeness is a needed step in our Spiritual/psychological development as human beings.
Eros is not simply physical sexual appetite or release of pent up sexual energy but rather something which likely reaches more deeply into the human spirit than any other psychological/spiritual factor. Eros has not been welcomed ever by Western culture. It has not been encouraged into full consciousness. It has not been respected by the secular or the orthodox religious cultures that we are part of. And it never seems to fully show up when humans imagine they have managed to capture it, define it and control it, such as with legal marriage. Western marriage does not usually become the releasing and ushering in and honoring of Eros that many a person has anticipated but often quite another story begins. Yet marriage as a containing vessel does harbor that potential.
Eros is probably what we are talking about as Christians when we read and speak of the forbidden fruit in Adam and Eve mythology. Surely, most of us conclude, it was something far more serious than eating a fruit that the naive garden couple decided to approach, something that was fully against the stated warning of their maker. Yet the same maker acknowledged that 'eating of the forbidden' is alone the path to a mature and responsible 'knowledge of good and evil.' Christian orthodoxy, and a materialistic literalism, has way over simplified the uncomfortable conundrum that the story is intended to place the human in. All that is learned when taken without deeper reflection is,' God says don't, so the human must obey and that settles it.' That settles nothing for obviously a loving God, who necessarily desires the fullest development of his highest creation, would have the human to become knowledgeable, especially of what 'good and evil' really are. And literally eating a piece of fruit can hardly be the essence of real evil. This story is about the necessary yet frightful path of the human to fully experience and embrace the great power Eros. This is likely the dangerous 'narrow and strait way to fullness of life' that Jesus refers to in the gospels. I doubt that we have considered that conundrum nearly as much as it deserves. Eros would insist that we pay close attention to such inherited spiritual myth. How many have not concluded that it is talking about the couple’s conspiracy to make the frightening decision to consciously experience the ecstasy of love making? And if that continues to be seen as a way of despising or discrediting the Sacred source of all, then entering into a primary path of Eros is forever frozen in human thought as a negative and guilt ridden. It becomes labeled as most likely the sin at the heart of the 'fall and separation from God.' This is precisely what has happened regarding human sexuality and Eros throughout Western culture. No wonder modern spiritually sensitive people have many reservations about the fun, the joy, the ecstasy , the spiritual flight that Eros still, even after all its rejection, promises the human person and human culture.
Well, this is a rather bleak picture of Eros but even when experienced negatively it gets its message through to the human heart that there must be, even if only in fantasy, the possibility of human beings being lifted to the heights of ecstasy, to what can be nothing less than a flight of the soul, a 'joy unspeakable and full of glory.' But it also says to arrive at such legitimately is a path of great mystery, danger, sacrifice and endurance. And yet if realized would likely be described as an experience of the sheer grace of God. Unfortunately, many religions seem to exist partially to protect or to forbid frail humans from walking fully into the dangerous experience of Eros. It is the thing they warn most about and seek to get the human mind to diminish and to take the attitude that the areas of Eros are “ just imaginary”, “not real” , " a sign of immaturity" and that “only bad results can come from looking into or entering these realms.” It is said of Human sexuality just like it was of the earthly origins of the Messiah; 'nothing good can come out of Nazareth.'
Without going into detail here I do not think the words and actions attributed to Jesus fall into the category at all of placing these negative attributes onto Eros. I will just say I don’t think it could ever have been said of a man without awareness of his connections to ‘Eros’ that he ‘for the joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame...' Of all the words for love, only Eros has the potential of carrying the human spirit to those places truly beyond oneself. It turns out to be that Eros is likely the only door to fully open up the meaning of life in the Spirit and of life with God and even life in the fullest and most whole service of one’s fellows. But this very same life giving Eros love has been given an extremely negative evaluation by both our religious and secular cultures.
The whole gospel of 'good news' originally must have pointed to this secure, yet adventuresome and sometimes ecstatic state of mind. Eros lets the child in a human live again and revel in her/his innocence and spontaneous play. It is knowing that any power above one is a loving power and one that takes delight in its child being fully his/herself. Does this not sound a lot like a return to Eden? That is because it is but with a very big difference. It is a return to Eden but as a more fully conscious and spiritually/psychologically developed human being, not as a naive one who does not have a knowledge of the actual 'difference between good and evil' as with Adam and Eve's original less conscious status. It is a return to Eden as ones who have found a wisdom desperately needed today- that Eros is not an enemy but a much needed friend.
Sadly, much religious emphasis seeks to transport us back to the garden security but still as naive and overly dependent ones, ones who have not yet found their Eros and are not courageously seeking to live all of life. This is a way of seeing the possibility of the “joy” that the New Testament dares to mention many times. I doubt that such joy is very close to being fully actualized and realized by a human except with the integration of Eros. Robin Scroggs in his book Paul For A New Day hints at this in pages re 20-30. He says that according to Freud a mature and healthy humanity could never be a happy humanity and I think he is quite right. If we only look to Freud’s conclusions, which have been the common ones for the West the past 75 years, 'joy' must remain a childish illusion to give up so as to grow up. And it sadly appears that many adults in our culture have done just that even if we don't know why or how. This results among other things in adults trying to capture their own innocence and joy vicariously through the children, which is psychologically abusive and unfair to children, and to believing society/religion can capture Eros by refusing it permission to exist except in Marriage. Viewing the dynamics at a little league baseball game is likely to reveal this 'loss of child likeness' problem.
A less obvious symptom may be "O, I just happen to have my grand kids' pictures right here.” Are we sometimes saying “let me show you my wished for Eros?” Eros is that which lets one return to the childlike wonder, acceptance and joy that otherwise is a permanent loss to a human being battered by the hardships and disappointments of life. Freud's ego gets trapped in the warfare between superego and id and one's life is condemned to remain in that hapless balance. This points to the urgent need of a more integrated Eros in our adult American culture. Jungian thought moves us far more in that direction than Freud is able to do. Only Eros can offer the bridge to a state of mind like the early innocence, but now with a more fully developed and responsible consciousness. The ego is not any longer to be the center of personality but the 'Self' as Jung postulates, which can be thought of as the indwelling 'image of God.' This goal must surely have a very special place for honoring Eros. With the 'Self' made more conscious as our center , not the ego; the un-winnable battle between super ego and id is transcended and sustained joy becomes truly a natural possibility for the human species.
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Angry Parent At Child's Ball Game |
A less obvious symptom may be "O, I just happen to have my grand kids' pictures right here.” Are we sometimes saying “let me show you my wished for Eros?” Eros is that which lets one return to the childlike wonder, acceptance and joy that otherwise is a permanent loss to a human being battered by the hardships and disappointments of life. Freud's ego gets trapped in the warfare between superego and id and one's life is condemned to remain in that hapless balance. This points to the urgent need of a more integrated Eros in our adult American culture. Jungian thought moves us far more in that direction than Freud is able to do. Only Eros can offer the bridge to a state of mind like the early innocence, but now with a more fully developed and responsible consciousness. The ego is not any longer to be the center of personality but the 'Self' as Jung postulates, which can be thought of as the indwelling 'image of God.' This goal must surely have a very special place for honoring Eros. With the 'Self' made more conscious as our center , not the ego; the un-winnable battle between super ego and id is transcended and sustained joy becomes truly a natural possibility for the human species.
My thought is that Eros well describes the presence of the Spirit of God in the human psyche. I believe it turns out that to 'follow the Spirit' is to more consciously follow the wrongly maligned Eros down its winding and tantalizing road. It is not without meaning that alcohol in our culture is called 'Spirits.' All addictions are likely symptomatic of the human search for the Spirit which is strongly connected to Eros. The commonness of addictions that so frustrate us and confuse us are mirrors to show us that our culture is looking for the Spirit, looking for Eros. Even organized religion is often merchandised as a road to the Spirit that can be as much a dead end as booze. In a not very fair game of hide and seek Eros has been hidden, and like any good hiding place it has been hidden where it is least expected to be. Our times of ‘sex is everywhere’ is also a time that the Spiritual sexuality of Eros may be practically nowhere. The demonizing of human sexuality in our puritanical heritage or the more modern practice of separating it from Spirit as with most pornography are calls to all of us, not just to ones acting out the problem, to take Eros seriously. And to look for it where it can be found, first in our own human heart and life experience. Eros is waiting there as an essential part of the 'Image of God', an image that includes 'eating,drinking, dancing and loving.' Eros is that which gives to love its life. Eros dwells in us all and may, like nightly dreams, come forward if invited and welcomed.
Eros has always been in and around , reminding us in the deepest places of our heart to not give up on the anticipation of the joy of life. And to never minimize the Dionysus type promise from Christ, that he came to ‘give life and to give it abundantly’ reminding us that we should 'drink the wine' of joy in remembrance of him. These are initial meanderings of some of the pieces of the meaning of Eros that circulate in my mind and heart. Jim
Note: Other blog post the reader may wish to read is Love's Trouble: and The Greatest Of These: and An Ontology Of Love:
Note: Two contemporary books that explore the religious and spiritual implications of Eros are The Erotic Word by David M. Carr and Eros and Chaos by Veronica Goodchild.
"Historically, the Bible has been used to drive a wedge between the spirit and the body. In this provocative book, David Carr argues that it can--and should--do just the opposite. Sexuality and spirituality, Carr contends, are intricately interwoven: when one is impoverished, the other is warped. As a result, the journey toward God and the life-long engagement with our own sexual embodiment are inseparable. Humans, the Bible tells us, both male and female, were created in God's image, and Eros--a fundamental longing for connection that finds abstract good in the pleasure we derive from the stimulation of the senses--is a central component of that image. The Bible, particularly the Hebrew Bible, affirms erotic passion, both Eros between humans and Eros between God and humans. In a sweeping examination of the sexual rules of the Bible, Carr asserts that Biblical "family values" are a far cry from anything promoted as such in contemporary politics. He concludes that passionate love--our preoccupation therewith and pursuit thereof--is the primary human vocation, that Eros is in fact the flavoring of life."
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