Since it is not a common experience I
wish to write down what having six older brothers has been like to
me. I've just returned from George's funeral. He is the third brother
to die within the past ten months. Two deaths were long anticipated
and the other a most unfortunate case of West Nile Virus. Ike, the
fourth youngest, and I are the two brothers still living. I moved
away from our home town when I was eighteen to attend college. Like
many siblings this ended my being near my brothers in day to day
living. But each of them has forever been very near to me and
influencing me in my inner life. One exception of our being
physically separated was that my fifth oldest brother Gene was my
Chemistry teacher for my first two years of college. Most of my
reflections will be how I remember them during the years of growing
up in Florence, AL.
I will be speaking mostly as that kid who found
that the background and fabric of his life included being the far
youngest of the seven Hibbett boys at 637 N. Cherry St. My brothers
ranged from seven to twenty years older than me. In a very real way
it was like having six extra fathers in my life. There was too much
distance in our ages for me to feel any serious competition with
them. I always was confident they liked me and were for me in every
imaginable way. *
Rufus Hibbett And Sons ...@ 1972 |
I cannot focus on one of my brothers
without 'seeing' them all. They belonged together like a team, each
providing a very unique flavor to the whole. A central part of my
identity was that I was the youngest of seven brothers. I used to
enjoy telling others that and I loved the sound as I would rattle off
their names in order: Rufus, Lester, George,Ike, Gene, Barry and me. Still
one of my favorite fantasies has me driving my boat up to my
brother Ike's boat dock. There on the dock standing casually are my
six brothers looking at me. All are well and healthy. And each is flashing his very unique smile of approval. I then attempt
placing myself standing with them and realize that I can see them far
more clearly and objectively than I can see myself. In my mind they
are 'together' my brothers. I had absolutely no higher value or
evaluation placed on any of them over the other. To me they each were
precisely what they were suppose to be and I truly had no sense that
any of them had any flaw whatsoever. Also I could not imagine them
not feeling that same way about each other.
And as we have grown
older I think there was solid and demonstrated truth in how my brothers valued each
other and supported each other. Since they were to me a single 'unit'
of my life I think when they began to die, Rufus being the first
about twenty years ago, that I knew something very formative and
important was trying to die inside of me. It was like experiencing
part of the circle of my life being broken. I had a strong need for
them to 'all' be present as they had always been while I was a
youngster. As a child I could not have verbalized what I am saying
now. I surely took this 'brothers' background for granted as any
child does his surroundings. I did not think of it as particularly
unique. It was just my life. My brothers contributed strongly to the
security and confidence of my young life.
As best I can calculate my conscious
memory of my brothers picks up when I was about six years old. I can
remember four of my brothers when they still lived at home. Ike I can
only remember was at that time 'living in the basement.'
This was a 'rite of passage' for Hibbett boys. Some time as a late
teen each fixed up the musty room in the basement and slept there
away from the rest of the family at least for awhile. The tiny room
had its own outside entrance through a four by four window door.
This basement living usually ended when one morning our feet touched
the floor in about six inches of water after a heavy rain. My time to
live in the basement was when I was a senior in high school. I recall
Ike bringing me to his basement room. He let me listen to his
homemade radio, whose circuitry was on a ply wood board, through a
headphone. From then on Ike was forever introducing me to new
wonders and gadgets. Growing up I experienced Ike as a great giver of
things to me. He was like a living Santa. Ike liked to give things
to people. As the Hibbett store CEO he was always giving out
promotional gadgets, candy etc to his customers and friends. And I was always included with
handfuls and bags full of things. It was a child's bonanza around
Ike. I recall suggesting to Daddy that I might should have a new
football. Daddy's first thought was to look through used balls at the
store for one he could put new lacing in. I noticed Ike talking to
Daddy. And shortly afterward I had a brand new leather, sweet smelling,
white lined pee wee Wilson football in my hand. I strongly suspect
Ike had a hand in the grandest Christmas present I ever received. On
the tree was a note that said a twelve foot Feather Craft boat with a
new 35 horse Evinrude was being rigged out at the store for me. That
boat and Shoals Creek were my salvation during my teen years, much of that time being at Ike's place on the lake. Ike built an all red wood A-frame type house on the lake when I was a freshman in high school. He made it clear it was mine to use anytime. He gave me a key and gave me no restrictions or rules on using it, just common sense, keep it in good clean shape. I did not realize at the time just how open ended his gifts to me were. He let me work at the store as much as I wished and I came to see myself as a rather dependable and hard worker there. I think he did expect me to take my work reasonably seriously as he did his. A few times I recall he asked me to do something with him. I had the unusual sense that he needed me for something. When he was single he once took a few days off and asked me if I would be his buddy at our Mama Gene's place on the lake. I was happy to and it relieved me to see him not working so hard. That was an unusual way for me to experience Ike. I was glad to have helped with that project. Ike
asked me a month before I entered college what the tuition costs
were. I told him and a few days later he gave me tightly rolled
bills saying, 'This is for your first semester tuition and books.'
When I was a senior in high school Ike purchased a new 1962 beige
Thunder Bird. This was the first year of a very new design. With less
than 500 miles on it he said, 'Jimmy, I'm going on a week long business
trip. Would you take care of my car while I'm gone? Just remember in
this car you are always going faster than you think you are.' I
drove it to school that week and got more attention from peers than I
ever did in all my life. Two years later he let me drive his blue
Thunder Bird to Illinois to impress my girl friend. After married my English Ford broke down on a trip home to Florence. Ike paid me an outrageous price for it so I could purchase a better car for my family. This is how I
think of Ike, always sharing his exciting newest things with me and
always supporting me in every way. How fortunate can a boy be? I am
so thankful I've been able to visit with Ike, Barbara and Kneeland
on two occasions in the past year. I hope I will have occasion in the future to see Leigh Ann and Whitney and their families. On my trip South last August Ike
slipped me a note with a hundred dollar bill saying, 'Gas money for
your trip to visit your brothers.' That is my brother Ike.
I also remember my oldest brother Rufus
at home. I recall him sleeping in our 'middle bedroom.' And I slept
very securely with him. I must have been about six years old and
this was shortly before he got married. I recall him at home in his
dress navy uniform. He was sharp and handsome, my big brother. Rufus
and his family moved to California when I was an early teen so my
direct contact with him was rare after that. One of my favorite times
with Rufus was when I was invited to make a Smokey Mountain camping
trip with him, Betty and my two nieces Becky and Esther. Betty's
sister Margaret also made that trip. These are extremely
fond memories. I remember Rufus as an extremely sweet and kind
person. One would have to push very hard to get an argument going
with Rufus. It was not his nature to fight or argue. His temperament
may have set the tone for the rest of the Hibbett boys regarding fights and arguments.
I know I have never had a real fist fight in my life and I can hardly
imagine any of my brothers being so engaged, unless very strongly
provoked. We just were not looking for that. Rufus loved to laugh and was always ready to hear or tell a good story or joke. It is still so clear to me. I was staying the night at Daddy's sister in Nashville while the rest of the family was with mother at Vanderbilt Hospital February 7, 1954. Rufus' assignment was to come and tell me mother had died. Bless his heart. He sat in a large rocking chair in the front bed room and held me close on his lap. His soft kind words gave me the most distressing words of my life. No one could have done that job better. We were all devastated. Rufus and Betty were the
blue ribbon hosts for any Hibbetts or Florence friends who made it to
California. I was the recipient of such graciousness twice, once with
Daddy and Mama Gene the summer of my junior year at Coffee High. And
with my wife and six months old daughter Sheri when I was
at Arizona State in 1970.
Three of my brothers, at least, had very good
singing voices. In our church of Christ any boy who took an interest
in singing would be given good attention for developing into a
church song leader. I can clearly recall the sound of three of my
brothers standing up front and leading the congregational a'capella singing.
This they got from their Daddy who also was a song leader throughout his
life. Rufus, George and Ike were all I think exceptionally good song
leaders. Each one had a very unique and very sweet voice. I wish I could have been present when Rufus and Becky sang a spiritual duet in her Church many years ago. I remember
the family singing together only when camping in the mountains
and sometimes riding in the car. I'm not sure why we did not sing more at
home. Maybe they did before I came along and the others began to
leave home.
Another brother I can remember being
home with me is Barry. He was seven years older. Just enough distance
that he could not help but to occasionally tease me. Barry never
roughed me up physically which he could have easily done. I recall
on a car trip to Tennessee Daddy bought us each a candy bar of our
choice. I observed Barry and concluded he had eaten his. So with much
enthusiasm I gobbled mine right down. Barry then brought out his
unopened bar and slowly ate it while I cried how unfair he had been
to me. I don't think my parents took my side in that sibling dispute.
Barry was one of the most positively determined of all of us brothers. And that took him far. I
recall as a teen how much he liked nice clothes and he often visited Otto
Speaks and Krisman's Men's stores on Court street, either buying a
new item or just seeing what the latest fashions were. Barry
achieved a wonderful and heralded career as a dentist and he
demonstrated his positive determination when confronting the troubles of
life. I had the highest admiration for my brother Barry. He was an
adorable brother to me. Barry and his fiance Ann Griffin, showed profound
interest and patience in teaching me to ski. I can't guess how
may attempts Barry helped me make while I learned to ski. This
began on the Tennessee River near the Florence boat harbor where
Barry taught me to ski on two skis. And later he showed even more
patience helping to 'get up' on one ski on Shoals Creek. The
strongest impact he ever had on me was when our mother died. I was three days before being ten years old and of course folks were concerned
about what impact mother's sudden death would have on me. Few may
have considered that Barry was only a sixteen year old kid himself.
What a tragedy this was for him as well. A week or so after mother's
funeral Barry took me aside in a more serious way than I had ever
experienced him. He said words to this effect, “ Jimmy, I want you
to know that I will never tease you again as long as we live.” From
that day on Barry always treated me as his peer and never looked down
on me as just a little brother. I was deeply affected by that
demonstration of brotherly love. In 1984 my family and I were devastated by my loss of a long time ministry position. Barry called me. He was already in Springfield, IL and
wanted to visit and offer his encouraging support. This
demonstrated to me the depth of Barry's spiritual intuitiveness and his love
for a brother. A year later Ann and Barry graciously took me into their home as I wrestled with serious mid-life issues. I'm so glad to have had conversation with Ann, Ken, Rob and Molly several times recently.
Also I can most clearly remember Gene
being at home with me. Gene was truly a best buddy for me ages six
through about thirteen. I always looked forward to when Gene arrived
back home from his teaching job at Deshler High, his navy cruises and
his return home for the summer during his early college days. Gene
was always a great source of security for me. He played with me,
made me laugh and nearly always included me even when he had friends
over. I think I transferred some of my emotional need to Gene after
our mother died. He nor I knew just how important his presence was
for me. I can recall that I was not happy about his getting married.
I felt I was losing a very dear friend and confidant. Jackie Graben only proved to strengthen Gene's and my brother connection. I've had wonderful and memorable times with Gene, Jackie, Lynne and Lee at their home during all these years. Gene was amazed
many years later when I shared with him how I hated to see him leave home. He was quite elated and
full of smiles to hear just how much he meant to me. Gene was always
to me a fully sweet, gentle and kind person to have in my life. We
continued our strong connection when I attended Freed Hardeman
College where he was my chemistry teacher for two years. He was
instrumental in helping me get admitted to dental school after two
years of college. He came to Illinois to conduct Beverly's and my
Wedding Ceremony. Gene continued right up to his death to keep
ongoing quite regular contact with me. He always asked specifically
how I and my family were doing. He even wanted to know how our
finances were. He and Jackie encouraged two of my children to attend Freed Hardeman where they were nurtured by Gene and Jackie. Gene suffered much with some of the changes in
religious belief that I experienced beginning in 1985. He expressed
his great spiritual care for me. We were experiencing more
pressure on our strong brother relationship than we had ever had
before or since. We agreed for about two years to not discuss
religious matters for both our hearts' sake, but to relate only
through the brother relationship which we both considered a true gift
of God. After that we gradually returned to where we were able to
converse about religious matters and anything else as we had always
done. About five years ago following a thirty minute phone conversation and maybe remembering some our more difficult talks Gene joyfully remarked, "We have had a really good conversation haven't we Jimmy?" That is the only kind we had from then on. I likely have experienced more spiritual conversation with
Gene than I have any of my other brothers. I think we both sensed
that we had won and discovered that our precious brother connection
truly did transcend any religious differences that we at moments had painfully felt.
I had learned something importantly grand about brotherly love.
My first remembrance of George was
also at age six. I clearly recall Mother, Daddy and me driving to
Clarksville when Judy was born, my first niece and my parents first
grandchild. It was a really big deal. I remember going up the steep
stairs of their apartment house. Out the back window one could see
the Cumberland River. When mother was giving Judy a bath she used
the occasion as a learning experience for me(Judy I hope you don't
mind.) She made sure I saw the baby girl naked. This was the first
chance mother had of letting me observe the basic difference between
girls and boys. I got it. George Hibbett to me has been a person with
whom I have never had an uncomfortable moment in his presence. Quite
the contrary, George was always an interaction I looked forward to
with joy and enthusiasm. I recall other times of being with him in
Clarksville. I visited a week with him, Martha, Judy and baby Chip
shortly after mother died. George was always such a pleasant person
to me. I loved being with him and his family, eating at their table,
taking trips with them to the mountains, being invited to their times
on the lake. This family gave me my strongest impression of what good
young family life can be. They served as a primary example to me for
what I hoped to experience in a family of my own. In Clarksville I
got to go with George on his sales route where we attended stores and
cafes taking orders for produce. I observed George's gentle and
kind approach to people in the business environment. I learned a lot
from being around my brother George. After George and family
returned to Florence to work at the Hibbett store I continued to
associate often with him again noticing his good and friendly way
of interacting with others. I've yet to see a better example of a man
in such situations. As often as possible I continued to be in
George and Martha's home with their children. I would frequently go home with him
for lunch from our work at the store.... for a good meal and maybe
a quick nap. I learned about children younger than me by being a
frequent baby sitter for his three children. All of the Hibbett
family was devastated when David Hibbett was killed in a street auto
accident when he was only ten years old. As terrible as this tragedy
was for George and his family their faithful response demonstrated the
character of George and Martha as they modeled to all of us how to
handle one of life's most devastating disappointments. George and
his family visited my family in each our homes in
Illinois and Tennessee. It was good to know they had seen how my
family lived and maybe what I had learned about being a father and
husband from him. In recent decades I have visited George in his
home usually spending at least one night on my trips to Florence. What
a blessing to know that George would always be his joyful self and
always have his door open to me at a moment's notice. During some of
my most difficult years George was always a strong listener to my
unfolding personal story. And because he was a good and open listener
he heard more from me than most anyone outside my own family.
It is hard to say Goodbye to my dear brother George.
Anne And Rufus Hibbett With Sons...1945 |
My first remembrance of my big brother
Lester was , again about age six, when Mother, Daddy, Barry and I
visited him and Elaine in their upstairs apartment in Nashville.
Lester was well into Med school at Vanderbilt. Their brick apartment
home was just off West End Ave. I recall a stuffed toy on their bed,
a blue duck maybe. On that trip I had my first fast food burger. Lester brought home Crystal Burgers one day. Once we joined Lester, Elaine and baby Susan in
Nashville to make our way then to the Great Smokies for a week's
camping at Smoke Mont near Cherokee N. Carolina. Lester had creatively put a baby bed mattress on top of luggage in the back seat making a perfect place for the baby.(I realize that would violate seat belt regulations now. But I was able to use that idea many times for my children.) I think Lester had
the admiration and respect of me and all my brothers in a way that
was unique. It may be because of his, showing much endurance, becoming
a medical doctor. Or it may be that he may have had a higher natural
intelligence than some of us. Lester's opinion was often sought out.
This may have been a heavy load for him at times. I remember calling
him several times from Illinois with medical questions that my family
was having. In the mountains you wanted to be around Lester. He made
you feel the magic of family camping in the mountains. He made it fun
beyond all imagination. I remember Lester taking me fishing. I was as young as six years. It seems to me we went to a home on Wilson Lake near the dam. I associate it somehow as belonging to Elaine's father Early Williams. Lester and I made our way to a small fishing boat with a little motor on it and went fishing. All I recall was our seeing an extremely large dark snake gliding through the edge of the water. I watched with great wonder and awe. I was with my brother so all was safe. After Lester moved to Florence and first
practiced at the Florence Clinic, I would walk several blocks from
grade and junior high school to his office. I would show up
unannounced at his waiting room. I would explain I was Lester's
brother and would like to see him. Every time with a short wait I
would be called back. Lester would greet me with his winning smile
and full welcome as if he had no patients at all. He would chat with
me and always give me something, usually a paper weight , calendar or
some other pharmaceutical promotional item. Those were precious times
being in the presence of a big brother I so admired and who I knew
thought the world of me. Several days before my wedding Lester invited me to his lake house. After some boating activities, and with some embarrassment, he gave me a box of condoms. I think he saw this as an older brother's assignment and a kind of rite of passage ritual. Also it was a strong and practical demonstration of his interest in my personal well being and happiness. Of much importance to me, the five years before Lester's full illness he and I had numerous email exchanges. He is the only brother with whom I have ever had significant written communications and I highly value the interest he had in that opportunity for our relationship. I am so glad that I finally made it to Temple Terrace,
Florida to see where Lester and most of his family have lived for I think nearly two decades. I was able to visit with Elaine, Beth, Ann and
Emily there and see my dear brother Lester for the last time. I also
was fortunate to visit with Elaine, Susan and Ann in Florence several days after Lester left us.
![]() |
Susan, Emily, Elaine, Lester at Shoals Creek Home |
There are so many more clear memories of my brothers. The stories would be endless to tell. These are some primary images I carry of my brothers each day of my life. I will carry them till I join them in the experience of leaving this life as we now know it. Should the six now departed be aware of life back here I hope they can give their smiling approval to my attempt to describe what they each continue to mean to me. Jim Hibbett
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed reading this about your family! You are such an excellent writer; you really should write a book. Barb
Thank you Barb. I think I am strictly a 'short essay' kind of person. Will leave the book to someone else.
ReplyDeleteThis was really wonderful to read. Deedee (Lester) had a huge influence on my husband (Daniel, Ann's son) who is also now a doctor. He also definitely planted the camping seed, as almost all our vacations are spent camping (and even a few at Smokemont!) I really loved learning about the rest of the family. Thanks for taking the time to record it all!
ReplyDeleteRands... Thank you for this feedback. Am so glad you have enjoyed reading these Hibbett remembrances and that it harmonizes with your experience of Lester. I so enjoyed seeing parts of Lester's family, including Ann, last year in Temple Terrace.
ReplyDeleteJim, my brothers and I grew up in Florence for the most part. My father was Lindsay Allen, who preached for the Pine Street Church of Christ in the 1940s. We moved back to Florence in 1957. We all had so much admiration for your family. Lester was our doctor and Barry was my dentist for many years. Judy was my classmate and is still my friend. I enjoyed reading this so much. Remarkable people.
ReplyDeleteMary Allen Daily
Thanks Mary .... for reading this and your feedback. I recall hearing of your Dad's positive name. Pine St Church of Christ was right behind the first Hibbett Sports Store on S. Court St. It was first called Dixie Supply. I remember the red brick church building on Pine St. I was in it a time or two, probably after your Dad was the preacher.