- This ancient story of the importance of the
feminine ironically comes out of the midst of the thoroughly
patriarchal culture of ancient Israel. This sermon encourages you to
view it as a model for the complete equality of women that in recent
decades has become more conscious in our American culture. Or one
can use some tools of Analytical Psychology to see this story
symbolically describing every man's need to find and integrate
his inner feminine function. Since such an ancient story comes
mostly out of the Collective Unconscious of a culture we can expect
it to introduce themes that are timeless and relevant. In this vein
the story demonstrates male and feminine qualities as symbols
of different aspects of every human's personality, no matter ones
physical sexuality.
- This will be more of a Bible lesson than a sermon. I ask you to consider the story not as history but as symbolic of some basic characteristics of what it means to be most fully human. It means to have both male and feminine capacities. Jungian psychology specifically speaks of a man being more familiar with or conscious of his male function but hopefully, as he matures beyond midlife, finds and develops what would be considered as some of the more feminine qualities. The opposite of course is true for a woman.Deborah, leader of men.
I. Some background of
the O.T. image of God. War is historically a product of male
instinct. So it is here and throughout the O.T. War, an effort at
overt dominance and oppression of others, was central to the culture
in which Jesus lived. He rose up with his more feminine like
capacities to cry out against a totally unbalanced culture with the
male aspects fully out of control, dominating and oppressing those
with less power. It was his speaking out against this that resulted
in Jesus being killed. Also notice the God image of Yahweh here, as is
common in the O.T. , presents as an all male god which is acting out
strong, often enraged, relationship destructive male attributes. He
is jealous and possessive of Israel who he refers to as belonging to
him. He also is deeply involved in unilaterally setting up
wars. He frequently blames Israel for being totally unfaithful
and accuses her of being an adulteress.(and he totally innocent of any
of the failure) With Yahweh there is no room for a more
realistic, considered, conscious view that maybe Israel
did some things right, that they were trying to do the right thing at
least some of the time. In his exaggerated male quality of seeking
dominance and being right he puts total blame on the other party in
any dispute. (Fortunately, there are places in the O.T. where the God
image is pictured as feminine wisdom such as in Proverbs. There God
is personified as wisdom and is given a female name Sophia. This was
shown in the liturgy in last week's bulletin.)
II. Of interest, in the
story, Barak confesses his need of a woman to help him do his work,
even the work of war. We can see this symbolically as a man becoming
aware of the need of his feminine aspect. Not taking this
literally but symbolically and psychologically, it not primarily
real flesh and blood woman that he needs but even more
importantly he needs to find his inner feminine function. World
renowned psychiatrist and religious writer Carl Jung called
this living function the 'anima' and it can be thought of as the
'soul.' It comes in dreams and fantasies as a female personality.
When a man finds and integrates his anima he finds and
becomes united with his own soul is the implication. With his
feminine function more conscious Barak trusted he could have the kind
of wisdom that is of a feminine quality. Its not enough to be tough
and plow the enemy down. He needs to be also be clever and cunning,
to be able to adapt as every situation changes. To be able to
carefully persuade rather than to directly over power
another person, a counter idea, or even a physical enemy. These become natural functions, as needed, when the anima function is conscious and integrated more fully.
So he outright says, I will take on this task but you Deborah ,
or his inner feminine aspect , must be present for him to
function at his very best. Deborah shows another feminine quality
that all people need and that is faithfulness. 'Yes, I will go with
you', she says ' But You need to realize Barak that when you invite
the feminine along in your projects you may well not get the glory.'
In real life the job will more likely be done better
but it may not be you that gets the credit. So the man in search for
his anima, his soul, must be humble enough to want the task
to be done whether or not he gets credit for it. In fact she
implies, ' If I go with you it will be a woman, whether outer or
inner, who is the hero in this war.' The
story is showing how desperately man spiritually needs to become
conscious of his inner feminine function(and not simply keep
projecting this onto outer real women) in order to accomplish the
tasks of his fate. The male function alone is not sufficient for such
It appears rather obvious in the many paintings of Jesus across
centuries that the artist is ,usually unconsciously, picking up on
Jesus' feminine aspect. More recently Jesus is painted as the 'strong
hard male'(likely fearing he may appear too gay) only; but let's
face it, it is the more delicate Jesus that has been the insistent
primary image of him for people for 2000 years. The opposite
developmental task, described through Analytical Psychology, is true of a woman. Her
task is to integrate the more 'male' considered capacities without
losing her central feminine nature.(that is a danger in both of these
processes) Deborah and Jael are images of such women. They are
still very much feminine but also strong, decisive and able, if need
be, to drive a tent peg through the abuser's skull.
IV. Well it seems that God
Yahweh has another plan that is not quite so brutish as the one he
announced earlier(Judges 4:1-2.) And he expresses this through the feminine.
Instead of God owning a feminine side, so very needed, which I think we see happening
in the personality of Jesus he uses a human woman to explain this plan to the men
involved. She emphatically tells Barak that he should take all the
forces he can find and go up on Mt Tabor. For there is where the
enemy King Jabin will have his general Sisera to have 10k soldiers
with a vast array of arms to assemble. There Barak will be able to
take the enemy by surprise and crush them. Here we see a woman who
has integrated inner male qualities and can have a will of steel and
compete in the mens war as effectively , probably better, than most
men. So it happens this way in the story.
V. The end of the
story is the the enemy general abandoned his horse and chariot and
walked toward home. Exhausted from battle he invited himself into the
home of fa Hebrew couple. The wife Jael, in her woman's intuition,
recognized him as the oppressor of her people for two decades. She
invited him in and here is the story...4:18-21. She used her feminine
capacities to hold back, to anticipate, to lure …. and at the right
moment she strikes the enemy with deadly force. And so it was as
Deborah said, ' The Lord shall give the victory today into the hands
of a woman.'
Conclusion : The
story of the feminine aspect of men would not be complete without
music. I grew up in football country where a boy would likely be
called a sissy if he wanted to play an instrument or be in the band.
I imagine this culture was a lot like that and thought of only women
being music creators and singers. So this story of the feminine ends
with a long song called the Song of Deborah. Judges 5. It praises Deborah for
providing wise judgment for her people, for her wisdom and prudence.
And for her courage and seriousness for even war if it came to that.
So whether you want to take this symbolic story as being a reminder
of the strength of women to participate in the fullness of life along
side of men or even the deeper meaning that it shows the reality and
healthy goal of a man, as he moves through life, being able to find
and integrate and live out of his inner feminine as well as his outer
male attributes.
Thanks Michael. Just noticing your comment aftea decade. I did continue to write on such topics in this blog. I receive few comments.Thank you