I'm thinking our president may be one
of the most visionary persons in high public life in recent times.
This 'deal with the devil' (Iran) is nearly a perfect example of the
Jungian notion that you do not rid the 'shadow' within or without by
... destroying it , crushing it and trying to live as if the shadow
is not real or powerful. We have become so accustomed to just beating
the crap out of 'the enemy' that we have nearly lost the capacity to
interact creatively with any scary 'other'. This reminds me of that
metaphorical statement of Jesus, ' you had better strike a deal on
the way to judgment with your adversary or you will pay every penny.'
Metaphorical truths have their moments when they are exactly and
literally true in the outer human real situation.

BTW.... just listen to the 'smaller'
voices all over the air waves. Someone said, ' it is late in the day
when small persons cast long shadows.' Its good to see there are some
very large persons that come along in history. I know many do not,
and perhaps cannot, agree with this assessment. I am open to
other opinions also.
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