There are many historical precedents of where an authoritative personality/leader's personal mental health issues have collectively affected unawares his strong supporters with the same dangerous symptoms. Some such expected symptoms would be a leader who believes he is uniquely selected by history to be the 'only one' who can heroically lead the people to great freedom and prosperity. This grandiose estimate of ones self would be expected to be accompanied by paranoia( 'my enemies are many and are after me'), use of uncompromising name calling as a preferred tool for relating with any who legitimately disagree, an inability to operate within the boundaries of normal physical and social facts, a continuous need for personal validation of one's rightness and approval, and an inability to work cooperatively and consistently with other legitimate authority and stake holders.
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Unless I am blind there appears to be such a story happening in front of us. The dangers are more than most of us let ourselves think about. Nothing quite like this has ever threatened America before. Our hope is there are enough sounder minds close to the president and in congress , which have not been clouded by the psychological chaos; who find the courage to openly stand against the leader when the signs of mental incompetence are obvious.
Such a moment is likely unfolding now. Those exercising a sounder mind must conscientiously speak out if it is shown, as it is so far, that the president has no verified evidence for his charge that the former president wire tapped his campaign office.
We need to keep in mind, without assigning any specific citizen as being so affected, that there is indeed tragic historical evidence of collective mental health and moral collapse. And that such a psychological phenomena can indeed be set in motion by a *archetypally (as if beyond the mere human realm) experienced mentally unhealthy authoritarian leader.
The nation's need today is many citizens , and hopefully some near our president , some of his own party in congress; persons who have not forgotten such things have happened before and can be happening again.
*Some explanation: When any of us are under 'archetypal' influence we experience being part of something that is godlike and we are mesmerized. We tend to give ourselves over to the certainty of its promises. It can be like a truly religious experience. Physical facts and logic are easily overridden by the excitement and inflation caused by the archetypal images and energies.
Obama also was charismatic and set in motion for his fans an archetypal 'savior' like experience. A big difference though is Obama consistently presents an image of a healthy and well reasoned person and does not state obvious physical untruths like this president does repeatedly. Nor did Obama constantly question the legitimacy of our democratic institutions like is daily now done.
Archetypal influences , though often a necessary source of human hope and emotional energy, are always dangerous and need to be always questioned by ourselves. They can cause us to ignore obvious facts and give us a reason to abandon our ordinary logic and 'common sense.' . In other words we can become collectively mentally fragile and unstable under their influence. And we lean on an excited group consensus rather than on our personal reason and critique. We can become collectively infected psychically.(The same energy we see depicted in any lynch mob scene in a movie. It has a life of its own and individuals become just a part of the unquestioning crowd.)
This is the dynamics of how murderous dictators have come to be accepted by the mass of otherwise ordinary folks.(The German people before Hitler were among the most educated in the world but the archetypal energy over swept their good judgment as they fell for the dark racist promises of the stirred up archetypes. ) If the archetypal images are negative , violate demonstrated facts and are inhumane a whole group of persons can revert to basic barbarism . We are experiencing a very dangerous psychological situation with the archetypes that have been set loose around this new President's personality..
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