Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Today, in total contradiction to the reasonable statement he made yesterday(obviously insincerely)regarding the Charlottesville, VA tragedy, the President served up maybe the most uninformed, divisive and dangerous arguments that have ever come from a sitting President of America.

If still more people, who sincerely voted for him as an agent of some change, do not see what he really represents then we are in serious trouble as an authentic democratic nation. By leveling out a Group of people that defined itself as full throated racists, that is the KKK, Neo Nazism, White Nationalists and true White Supremacists, as containing 'very fine people' totally blurs the moral and ethical foundations of our nation. He just made it far easier and more safe to hate in America.

Everyone of normal intelligence on that side of the gathering in Charlottesville, VA knew exactly what the message of that group was. They saw all the symbols of evil racism being worn and carried. They saw the threatening torches and open guns, the helmets, the swastikas, the racist shields being carried. They all saw the Nazi hand signs in the air. They heard the hateful anti-Jewish and anti-Color chants.

No, no one present in that group was not of the very same mindset as any official KKK, Neo Nazi , White Nationalist or White Supremacist. If ever there has been guilt by association it is true of all who walked among those hate symbols, smells and sounds. It was this same racist energy that led to the murder of an innocent woman that day.

(It should be noted  it is alwsys a moral mistake to dehumanize persons even  when they have  fallen into murderous states of mind. Many of these persons are  misguided  followers not leaders. Most are likely  victims of trauma and abuse themselves. So they remain  valuable humans who are capable of being freed from the hate state of mind they have succumbed to.)

These groups exist only to assert the superiority white persons over all others. If that does not alarm every American I do not know what would. None of us can afford to be uninterested in Politics anymore. If ever Americans in modern times needed to search their souls this may be the most urgent.

And equating servants of the nation's origin and its original documents like Washington and Jefferson with Confederate Leaders who, however courageous or sincere, fought to preserve slavery is as mistaken and unethical view of history that can be imagined in post modern times. To align our social or moral values in 2017 on the Confederate effort to preserve slavery could not be a more clear way of identifying as a present day loser and on the wrong side of history and evolution.

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