has a significant record of spending time, money and effort to curb the serious downsides of high technologies which have become common the past 100 years. But in the case of gun technology our
ancestors will without doubt ask, “ How could our forebears have
been so unconscious?” But humans are known to pick unconsciousness
over consciousness when they fear their emotional wishes, fantasies
and irrational beliefs are at risk of being shown as unfounded. How
many more mass murders until most Americans quit convincing
ourselves that we collectively have nothing to do with this
bloodbath? Before we see that it is not only the shooters that are
responsible but all of us?
we take our nation's Massacring Syndrome as our personal loss,
and not only saying ," I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm
praying for you.", I don't think we will begin
to seriously do something.
We will not in earnest ask associates and legislators to stop following the marketing wishes of an enormously powerful lobby and insist we collectively take this ever increasing cultural horror for the complicated multifaceted evil phenomenon it is.
These facets include our deep but often denied national history of psychological attachment to violence. We have in many respects been a violence -prone culture from our beginnings. We need, not to put our nation down but to know better who we are, to finally own this attraction to violence. Some might even argue that this dark national side has strangely, so far, served us well. But its tide has fully turned against us all now. Violence brings violence.
Another factor is that otherwise good and well intentioned Americans elevate and celebrate, rather than insist on responsible monitoring, what is our land's single most psychologically powerful symbol of public murder ; the human ever-more-murderous technology to which we all are emotionally and unhealthily connected. This American symbol of violence , passed on to our children, stirs up a mesmerizing devilish cultural influence with its not -so -subtle promise of national liberty and individual freedom. This presently living emotion-packed symbol is the god almighty American Gun.
We see again, to our horror, our nation's Massacring Syndrome reenacted each time an emotionally crippled citizen takes these powerful symbolic promises of our gun culture to heart and acts them out on our loved ones. Unstable persons in other developed countries are much less likely to mass kill. It is in part something about us we don't yet understand....Truly, Americans and our legislators have a multifaceted problem to address.
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