Sunday, December 17, 2017


I suspect that, in our present time as never before, as long as a human looks to the outside of themselves for the 'redeeming' and  'assuring' God one will suffer disappointment.

That dissppoinment takes many forms but usually consists in some kind of relentless personal complaint about life as it presently and personally is.

We can imagine the most perfect , good and holy God outside of us but that will never meet the inner need to find God there. Such a finding of God within is symbolically depicted time and again in ancient and not so ancient inspired text and story. (Or even the creative architecture of a breathtakingly beautiful church or a tree.)

Finding the God inside would tend to make one speechless and lose all serious agonizing complaint. For one would find reason to fully accept and at the same time be responsible for his/her flawed ego self and its harming escapades. This cannot happen via any exchanges or agreements with, or assumed knowledge of, an imagined outer metaphysical God. The God is within is its objective proof.

What I'm describing is a hard sell for any Western mind that is convinced it can reason, verbalize or strategize itself or the world to a more glorious state for self or others.

If and when astounding transformations happen in the outer world we can rest assured these are not the work of the clever and learned human ego. But the work of factors that live mostly unconscious within  us and beneath the daily world we physically observe.

This does not make the ego unimportant. Quite the contrary, for only the human ego is able to be somewhat conscious of the world in both its inner and outer realities. Nothing else in the universe has that capacity, to  actually make the world real. So when longed for and needed transformations happen the well informed ego must be there to intently and humbly observe and ponder these things.

And it is the human ego, aided by its natural connection to creative inspiration, that is able to put such wondrous and otherwise unexplainable happenings into symbolic language. It did this in ages past giving us such treasures as the Bible and other Sacred texts. But ironically we can imagine the mass mindedness of future generations, like  past epochs, will inspect that  creative symbolic language and sadly literalize it to make it 'useful'. Or just as unconsciously, say again, "This is non sense to us. Give us a black and white, we vs them, dumbed down view of reality. Simplify it so we do not have to make any spiritual or psychological  effort to discover the real God." But the ancient and modern evidence remains firm that what can be rightly called God has  been and always is found within. 

Maybe collective humanity is coming for the first time in the long  evolution of mind to a  new capacity. To transcend our clinging to material reality only. To release our insistence that God appear to us 'out here' so we don't have to look within.

We can hope that is the case for that would be a 'new creation' of the world as we know it. This would be nothing less than spiritual transformation where such symbols as the Christmas story could naturally and quietly truly 'be born in us today.'

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