Saturday, May 5, 2018


I don't think any of our present 'we vs them' political ideologies has the depth of energy  or endurance   to lead our American society to genuinely higher unified  thus surviving ground.

But politics, as Plato  says here,  does show us our own tragically divided, ethically decaying situation. Political involvement and interest  is essential  but will never be the sufficient  answer for  necessary change.

 Our collective mass mind is in dire need of being lifted to a truly higher level of human consciousness, above our polarites and  mean spirited differences and fears...a consciousness historically different than ever before and now essential if we are to enter a brighter more whole new epoch for humankind and creation.

Without such a successful transition now our species will have failed what evolution had tried to  prepare us to sufficiently expand consciousness, becoming more fully and openly who we truly are, in the world. We can instead  become another dead end in evolutionary progress and a new path will be tried.. We will have eliminated ourselves.

There are still  bridges in place that are ready to serve this change  from our past epoch of say 2000 years  to the new one. Many disciplines and institutions would serve as bridges  of such a transition and include ...politics, all the branches of serious science,  relevant government and social institutions, news media, social media, inclusive religious traditions, technology, formal education, depth psychology etc.

But none of these combined can have the energy and stamina needed to raise us to the new collective consciousness our situation is evolutionarily demanding of us.

 In short only an unimagined  transformation of the collective psyche , a dawning  of mind and heart after a long spiritual night , of a refreshed  world view and value can propel us successfully beyond our  insistent stalemate. Such an awakening is best described (in ancient  nearly forgotten Sacred symbolc story) as a 'religious'  collective kind of experience.( Not one fully fostered by any present organized religion but truly a new view of old things.)

 (The UFO phenomena of worldwide sybolism which unexpectedly  captured the modern human  mindset  five decades ago  is a mild version of such a collective psychological or 'soul' dynamic. For, whatever its actual  nature, it caused us to momentarily  imagine how human behavior might  appear to an intelligence and consciousness higher than our own. To compare ourselves with something truly superior. That  challenging  kind of experiment no doubt continues within some of our most conscious foreward looking citizens. Such a collective happening is never orchestrated by any political party or church but originates spontaneously from our common human creative depths. That is from the Sacred within us.)

Such a needed natural consciousness-raising  phenomenon in our present times seems the only dynamic capable of sponsoring a unifying shift in all our present diversities, polarities  and seeming pluralistic chaos.

Careful reflection on our unique evolutionary and historical situation worldwide  can bring the sane  and open minded human to gasp and mean it, "God  now help us a little."


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