Monday, January 27, 2020

Present Heroes Are Likely To Be More Timeless Than Many Past Ones And That Is A Good Sign...Janary 12, 2020

It is encouraging to see citizens  claiming the 21st century by naming and commemorating  real  timeless heroes in the human story. It is hard to imagine such a hero like this  ever having to sadly  be realized as in his day being bigoted, discriminatory,  or racist in his  humane heroism.

Such  negative aspects of heroism nearly had to be the case with many former  acknowledged American heroes. For humanity itself , as a whole, had not moved but slightly beyond  extreme tribalism,  sexism,  patriarchy and racism. It is a matter of evolution.

Many of the more recently selected heroes encouragingly show us there has been some healthy  collective human development going on in the past century. Where recognized heroes are more likely persons and groups serving the good of all of humanity and even the Earth itself, not just their own brand or group.

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