Thursday, January 30, 2020


It is encouraging that younger Americans are showing ethical discernment beyond that of many of their elders. It appears that days are gone when it is accurate to think greater age is associated with wisdom and more careful moral judgment.

An aging human should be expected to have gained a measure of wisdom, a broadened ethical view and an expanded empathy for the whole world. But we have lost our footing as a culture. We are not consistently producing that. We are out of touch with our deeper evolutionary roots. Roots that include our animal nature for sure and also our sense of belonging to nature and of caring deeply about it , ourselves and all its creatures.

 It even appears that elderly white men are less concerned about ethics in government and society than any other group. There is perhaps a serious present moral crisis in this fornerly highly esteemed  trusted group of Americans.

 I'm thankful that younger persons are showing improved capacity to envision a more just future than many of their dragging behind elders.

I suspect and hope this higher moral consciousness among the younger is more nuanced than any list or litmus tests of moral wrongs but rests more on solid principles; ethical attitudes of individuals treating others in just, respectful and coperative ways. An earnest seeking of behavior and policy that are truly for the 'common good', not just personal interests, of humanity and the Earth.

Under 30's may be having a clearer grasp of what is ethically wrong in social human behavior and public policy and why it is dangerous to all. That is encouraging.

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