Thursday, May 7, 2020


I'm not easily alarmed about the foundations crumbling. I still carry a rather strong hope for the world and even this nation. But this strikes me as more than typical bad news.

I think it is safe to say we are without morally courageous or fundamentally honest leadership at many top places of the federal government.. I'm concerned we are at great risk because that  failing leadership is being endorsed by many others  for self serving interests and lack of basic ethical character. 

C.G. Jung said (paraphrasing) his anima kept repeating, "Truth is strong and in the end will prevail." It seems in America the collective
inspiring  World Anima had best come through soon or  I'll  think something has even gone wrong with her. (In my cosmic view that would truly be an insurmountable crumbling of the very foundations. I don't think that will happen , at least not  at this point in cosmic evolution....thus my hope.)

 It seems we are spinning out of collective control. We seem like a seriously deranged person. We seem to be giving  the Coronavirus a very wide path to do us greater harm than otherwise  she could or should. I'm very alarmed, more than ever before for our  nation and the world.

The core of our young nation seems about to melt. Her structures have absorbed about all the dishonest and ignorant abuse she can withstand.. Similar to nature she is not without limits in cleansing herself. 

Everyone has become an expert via the social media world so the truly trained experts are no longer respected or listened to. That expertise is a hard won critical democratic resource from and  for our culture. It's a highest of egotistic behavior for citizens to reject it for quickly spun, spontaneous, non-expert opinion and conspiracy theories.

 If ever there were a time for, "Just the facts mam"...and the wisdom to apply them, this is it.

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