Monday, May 11, 2020


Basically Jung is here saying that during the  most bewildering times life brings that the human ego, that which we call "me'  is being challenged to forge itself into what is its intended destiny.

To walk this natural very 'down to Earth' path we are asked to not reject anything that is going on inside or outside of us. Here I wish to emphasize the inner life for that is the one we most often ignore.

Only by objectively noticing and allowing our most disconcertingly unpleasant and unexpected inner thoughts and dreams, images, questions,  even our judgments can the ego forge an enduring, truthful, indestructible by outer worldly forces, objective reality.

Its not a matter of  'if' these inner factors are ultimately true in outer reality but that they are  presently real and they are you, the most real and true unique you.

They are there to affect( create strong concrete honest emotion)  and form you into the truest most effective  'you' in the end. This is what nature or fate wants from and for each of us.

To not notice them, or treat them as nothing, to eschew them, to not value them  is to miss the greatest human opportunity.

But instead, no matter how at first unwelcome or fantastic, we can  choose to be 'dealing ' and deal making with them, with the inner world.(Recall the story of Jacob ' wrestling with the God'? ) To not  wrestle with our own inner world,  but giving most all of our energy to outer things, is how we turn away from our own one and only  personal destiny and our part of humanity's intended destiny.  It means missing the opportunity to become the authentic person  we are here to be.  This is a human's greatest possible fulfillment.

That opportunity is easily and even understandably, for it is so difficult,  missed entirely or is embraced at all different possible  levels of completeness.  It could never be completely won.

This is one of my efforts, using Jung, to describe the natural,  not supernatural though it can seem that way, process of closest becoming our destined unique life... to the extent which fate invites and allows.

We should strongly wish each other the very best in this personal endeavor for the more anyone achieves this the more we all do.  It is an 'all win or all lose' evolutionary process. This is very  far from the misguided American notion of  'mind or character competition with each other', often correctly called idividualism,  but instead individuation is a competition with one's self.

As it's said often these days, (and this is the greatest  gift, insight and lesson of the Coronavirus.) " We are ALL in this together." Oh if we could only know and live not only for our most complete self but also  intentionally for the good and well being of ALL.

Jung, and a few scattered others, in his work and rediscoveries of the inner world, and its relation to the outer one, was attempting to show how to go about this endeavor. And how such a wisdom and 'pearl of great price' is always trying to get our attention in each long and brief  day of our lives..

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