Wednesday, June 10, 2020


I'd like to expand on the theme of this news article. I suspect that in general American males have for many decades taken being, or subtly threatening to be, ' a tough guy' as the preferred and most effective way to be manly and  emotionally and physically  safe.

So male  police have overtly and exaggeratedly presented themselves that way to the public,  especially to the  part of the public -people of color-  they perceive as a threat to their authority.

The police are in a very unenviable impossible role because the white public has expected them to protect and shield them from people of color,  especially  black males, who they  historically imagine as a dark threat if not contained. 

Another shameful part of that false fear narrative has been that white women should fear black men. But police would protect them from assault. Little were the police expected to protect black men under ongoing physical and economic assault in America.

Much of these attitudes and motivations are barely conscious to us white folks and that makes them doubly resistant to change and to reshape.

But after 400 years of this slave master 'tough guy ' effort, especially presented in the image of police, by whites the psychological atmosphere of George Floyd's murder appears to be helping white folks to 'see' that this trusted effort to intimidate black people has not only always back fired it is simply not needed.  Instead whites can more safely dwell in an appropriate, more respectful and mutual way with dark skinned persons.

This article is about how the 'tough guy image' has become much less popular and attractive  , including among many police departments, by white Americans.

Recent days of the protest environment are  showing that dropping the 'tough guy' image is a smart and effective way to make the streets , and maybe life in general, safer and more pleasant for everyone. (Incidentally this is in strong contrast to the President's efforts. His 'law and order' rhetoric is a dog whistle to his Always Trump fans that the government will keep its thumb on people of color, poor whites and those pushing for their equal human rights.)

The ' tough guy' image has shown itself being  outgrown before our very eyes. This could become the new more mature and responsible way of white folks conceptualizing and relating  in mutual respect to blacks. And give law enforcement persons a more human way to enforce the law for everyone's benefit and safety.

I hope these observations are significantly more than wishful thinking on my part. If so we might see a ray of hopeful light in what has always been America's  most serious spiritual and ethical problem.

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