Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Destructive Trumpism, may be a sign of a much better more loving world being birthed. The seeds of a new epoch in human spiritual evolution are sprouting in a least expected  uncomfortable way. It could likely come no other way but the seeming demise of what has been the best in us. That best isn't any longer good enough for the high demands of Evolution, even of God. A better improved culture is now a necessity to meet the challenges and demands of a new epoch of human life. 

This need for an improved view of our human potential and responsibility is not to blame our forebears. I've no doubt I'd have then done what they did and mostly in good conscience. It is rather about a new understanding of our evolution as a complicated culture. Much good has been done since the Mayflower landed and especially much material progress. 

But what we can now see clearly is that often the good done for some was at the expense and evil done to others and to our home- Earth. We have lagged behind in our spiritual/psychological/ethical development. But that is why there is evolution, so we can do better. That is why we are now being pushed to  clearly see our mix of good and bad as a nation. And why in this sense we must do better...if the nation is to have a healthy and even a surviving future. 

And because the USA has won great respect in the world over the past century how we respond to present crises will affect much of the world, 'As goes America so goes much the world.' We seem to be at a pivoting point of magnitude that occurs maybe about every two thousand years.

Others' concerns about the destructiveness of this presidency are mine precisely. This  destructive Trump phenomenon is far beyond what we have been accustomed to explaining by rational or reasoned means. Perhaps something beyond the rational on the positive side is also alive and seeking its redeeming ways as well. I'm driven to such a hope.  And others have long pointed to such a way.

This would mean that an answer, a solution, a direction does not lie in our typical means of rational change.  That is our traditional politics, religions,  economics and education as we have known them. These  will not alone be the weight needed to turn this dark tide that is far more than person Trump. 

What I imagine would be an evolutionary energy that both lies, as yet mostly unconscious, at the foundation of these evolved rational institutions and structures. These 'dependables' appear to be caving in as we helplessly watch. And these active mostly unconscious energies, while building on them, will also transcend these long dependable structures and disciplines. This process will develope structures meeting the needs of a new epoch. This would be a process of collaboration between the best of developed human consciousness with the factors and energies of the Collective  Unconscious.

What I'm describing is a deeper and higher meaning, as God must be to really be God, of the word religion. We are in a strong religious climate now in the sense of needing the unknown hand, guide and creator of all which has been or can be. This would not be primarily  a revival of our institutional religions with their competition and limited rational views of 'God' but a going beyond them. We'd need to be open to 'God' being more and different than the religions presently define God. God itself will be understood as evolving as all things in the universe are. These God powers or factors would build upon yet also transcend and go beyond our rational religious notions. 'Are we willing to trust what we don't fully know or imagine?' becomes an urgent question.

Some greatest minds of theology, philosophy, depth psychology, and Quantum science have explored these hopeful though frightening, because they are beyond the rational, efforts to hold a world together. These energies, very naturally arise at times of great collective stress, are spiritual/psychological not primarily  material phenomena. 

And God gifted geniuses from different disciplines along the path of human history give us pointers to this new epoch we seem to have deeply entered. 

Some ancients would likely explain it by our now leaving the 2000 year old Sign of the the Fishes, to enter that of Aquarius. Aquarius is an extraordinarily positive symbol. Christianity in its many forms has been the effective Western religious dominant world view of the Fishes Age, Pisces(the gospels have much fish symbolism).  But in an evolving universe nothing remains static if it's to be effective for it's original purpose.

Theologian Paul Tillich spoke of and described phenomena of a 'religion above religion', a 'morality above morality', a 'God above God', a 'Reason beyond rationality.'  

So the nation and world may have now been ushered into such a transition which practically forces us to take on a new 'religious' attitude toward trusting in the unknown in ways that can be very good but far beyond our reasoning ego consciousness. Trusting such unseen powers for good Tillich called trusting our 'Ultimate  Concern'. 

Humanity finds ourself being pioneers again but at a level far grander and mysterious than that image has ever yet been in human history. It potentially can bring out of us a good that has not yet been seen or imagined. A humanity that is able to love itself and the Earth at levels never  yet possible. 

Psychiatrist Carl Jung said, "We now know our inner world is just as vast and deep as the outer world." We have no way of knowing the limits to the growth of human consciousness. That is my hope.

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