Wednesday, September 9, 2020

AMAZING GRACE.. September 9 2020

I suspect there can be extreme unplanned stress situations in human life that set things up for uncommon experiences of grace.  Such grace, like any transforming personal experience, is never a rational one eventually reached by reason, thought or study. It comes after those efforts of the ego will have been tried and found wanting.

A God comes when the human has exhausted every mindful resource, has done so honestly with oneself and has reserved no social or material backup plan. That coming of a God( I say  'a God' for our human 'idea' of God necessarily is a feeble, incomplete, uncertain and inaccurate one.) whether by dream, vision or what seems at first to be an external unnatural  'miracle' carries an authority like one has not imagined or experienced. It simply transforms ones point of view about self, others and the world. That change teaches in one way or another that 'all that is or can be is one' and so nothing inner or outer is to be rejected as having no value or purpose. 

Everything, including as in the pictured quote, the most serious 'error and sins' is to be considered retrospectively as not only important but necessary for the unfolding of grace in the world.  

This transforming of the human, and likely of the Sacred, is not a matter of rational reason. So it is profoundly a matter of the heart or soul, of inner awakening. This is the ineffable nature of grace and the 'insatiable love of all that is or can be' which surely must be its foundation.

I suspect that the nation and the world can now only be set on course for a good and loving/compassionate future, or any future at all, by such grace experiences.

A latest Cosmology of Physics ( points to the rational necessity of an eventual end of the universe. That, I suspect, would be only if grace is not able to find it's way to humanity so that what can be called God and Human are in union such as has not yet generally ever happened before.

So because of the Human's and God's yearning and need, whether primarily conscious or unconscious, for grace; such transformed humans now, wherever they live across the globe, rightly live in excruciating honesty with themselves. And in a Sacred respect for the role of all others and an intense caring for the Earth.

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