Sunday, October 11, 2020


This is another example of our President being  intentionally untruthful and misleading to the nation. The majority of Americans have learned this and do not any longer count on him as having our best and honest interest at heart.

Don't forget our gaslighting, it has all the characteristics of this kind of psychological abuse of its victims, president has taught his devotees to not listen to ordinary responsible,  even if imperfect, news sources. So they only hear what he wants them to hear and as relayed by his own one TV network, such as Fox's Hannity, and talk radio like Limbaugh. So persons  who listen with only one ear, maybe a third of us, never hear the corrections and truth calling out of his false claims and misleading efforts. 

Our nation is in peril as an experiment in democracy where the will of the people is sincerely sought and guides us collectively and where each citizen has a protected voice. 

But It's not enough now to want to return to how we were. Our awful chaotic situation now should teach us that we must expect and help build something better: more ethical, more compassionate, more transparent than what we had before most of us ever heard about Mr Trump. 

To stir us to this new awareness in the end can mean that the Trumpism psychological phenomenon has been evolutionarily just what we needed, to wake us up and to own our opportunity and responsibility to become a better, more just and honest country than we have ever yet been.

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