Tuesday, January 12, 2021

TRUST IN WHAT IS FAR LARGER...January 12, 2021

As unpopular and misunderstood as the word 'religion' is in our USA culture it is the large world religions which have in all historic time given cohesive, however imperfct and eventually after a few thousand years becoming irrelevant, form to human affairs.

So should a 'new religion' spontanelusly yet in continuity with the past arise out of our present chaos it would bring into our world a new,  not yet imagined, cultural perspective with new norms for the cooperative affairs of humankind. That is the potential power of the religious instinct that is a part of our collective human make up. That is why it is dangerous, and perhaps absurd, to succumb to the idea of 'getting rid of religion', as if we could. 

So it may be that 'religion', in this psychological/spiritual sense, is the only possible way for a truly relevant and compassionate 'new and better' world order to come into existence.  

This way, when it happens, it would be commonly and humbly known, 'this has come from God '- not primarily from our personal or collective ego strength, ingenuity and brain power. (As important as  these are.)

Presently most Americans are of either the practical secular view that our best mortal intelligence can find a way to a new evolutionary world epoch or the many very conservative religious folks who think their God will force itself on the whole world.

Neither of these attitudes trust in the power of the more authentic timeless religious one of doing what one can, loving as best one knows how, while full heartedly trusting that something in us all is at play which is far larger than our mortal ego efforts.

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