Friday, October 1, 2021


I hear in pastor Jim Rigby's statement below an important clarification about a common wrong application of the word 'moderate'. A meaning which seeks to escape personal responsibility. I suspect one can't be responsibly 'moderate' about most matters of 'truth and justice." 

 It's no accident that a 3rd branch of our democratic government is overseen by 'judges' attempt to discover what is 'true and just', nothing else. Truth and justice social issues call each human involved to a 'yes or no' answer, not to a perceived evasive moderation. For a democratic government to survive there has to be a good majority of citizens who see that we have no ethical alternative but to always desire the courage to say a clear 'yes or no' to each matter of 'truth and justice' that faces our nation. 

I think only by some self deception can any person justify being 'moderate ' in such matters. This does not mean we have the power to always make public matters 'true and just' but we can always throw our weight and voice to give our clear 'yes or no' to them and to search for them. And to not claim 'moderation' about such core issues of public fairness. Personally I can't imagine an alternative path toward an American 'more perfect union.' 

 Seeking 'truth and justice' is I think always something that is happening or not at our inner level and can't be accurately judged always by outward behavior. I'm rather confident that Jesus, in the gospels, is continuously shown as trying to focus attention on our inner world where truth and justice seek to be acknowledged with a 'yes or no'. The gospel author has Jesus say, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no." It's speaking of a realm where moderation is no honest choice. It's an invitation to explore our heart more than our vote. And the two are probably consistent. 

A truth is there is a large number of Americans who do not want everyone to have equal rights under the law. Though fundamental to democracy these are afraid that would diminish themselves too much in  some unstated way. The evidence is these are not a majority. But they are ones who will choose to say 'no' to our pressing issues of 'justice and truth.'  Sooner or later, our nation becomes what the inner hearts of it's people are..

I think there is a wide swath of Americans including many in leadership who do not do the inner work of ethical discernment. This means to discover inwardly what is 'truthful and just' in life and to then act on that with honesty as best one can. Lincoln and others standout historically as ones who wrestled in their souls( This process is a spiritual as well as an intellectual matter.). For people desiring a democratic type government to pass off the hard and sincere task of inner ethical 'yes or no' decisions by saying they are being 'moderate' is no way to expect a democracy to hold together.

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