Thursday, February 24, 2022


 The world is experiencing a spinning into irrational chaos....which war always is. Are we being  personally taught worldwide to turn to our deepest inner human resources...beyond the rational, national, political and traditional religious views?

One needs to be careful what she takes as her deepest authority or certainty. Former outer certainties are fast giving way. Take care to seek the truly undefinable Ultimate Sacred not our former exclusive piecemeal ones. 

Hopefully we will find our deepest inner realities are compassionately dedicated and inclusive of all humanity and the Earth...not our still determined tribal, religionist and nationalistic values.

Our prayer seems best now to be,"God bless your whole world not just our ego centered  'us' anymore.  Bless the whole of creation. Let us see the whole more clearly and our one place in it but not at the head of it. May  present human decisions and behavior be much more concerned for the whole. We can strongly confess we do not know where or how yet to lead in this present world. May we learn the new lessons for these new times."

I'm relieved that Biden is in the White House.  I hope his full human experiences can dominate his judgment above any dependence on clever once functional political know-how. We must rely on genuine inner divine guidance, not grand stories of how we once solved threats in a past world.

Being Honest, our American spirit has been dominated, as it had to be evolutionarily, by self interests. And not primarily focused on the good of global humanity or the Earth. It was born of a scrapping survivor-underdog mentality. And tends to return to that in crisis.

It requires a giant moral step by humans to make it otherwise. I pray Biden and others on the globe are up to it. May the 'all inclusive good increase and the small self serving decrease.' We surely must be at a global turning point. 

Putin is seeking to undermine the future of humanity. Unlike his similarly but weaker minded U.S. buddy, Putin at least has a personally intellectualized, however sinister and flawed, view of history he's determined to press upon the world beginning in Ukraine.

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