Friday, March 25, 2022


 Our ego, our 'me' or 'I' came into our awareness at some point in early childhood. Before that we were out and about entertaining the adults but we were very unconscious little beings with little conscious ego presence. This is how we each began our mind development, fully apart from our own conscious plan or personal willing. 

Once 'in' us and somewhat conscious to us  as our 'me' our ego kept expanding and eventually it came to believe it was all that we are.  And it remained unaware of any vast Unconscious in us which contains all possible development and from which the ego was given its birth to start with. 

This unawareness is the reason the ego tends to feel itself quite superior in its assessments of reality and accounts for our human general lack of humility the first half of life. It is usually at midlife that the ego slows down enough to ask ourselves questions about what we are beyond only our ego me. 

This 'talking to our self' or reflection can begin an expansion of the deeper, still mostly unconscious, part of us that the ego in it's rapid growth the first half of life had ignored and remained mostly unaware of. 

For example we were aware we dreamed at night but we felt no real connection or responsibility to our dreams. We were emotionally moved by stories, movies, pictures and family and religious rituals but little did we know all these themes and impressions were already present in us unconsciously waiting to be awakened. Even our 'falling in love' was more about an awakening of what was already in us than in our really 'knowing' our beloved one.

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