Sunday, December 24, 2023

DREAM: HUMAN COMMON CARE...December 24, 2023

Dreams are often too personal to share. Partly because the shadow aspect, instead of being repected for its honesty, will often be negatively judged.  No developing person needs that.

Dreams are likely our most handy and direct honest connection to our unconscious spiritual roots. But aren't usually appropriate for community 'testifying'. The community is often not ready for such personal intensity.  Our richest internal experiences should be discerningly and sparingly shared Imo.

With that reservation I share my most recent dream. I think it reflects a best spirit of the modern Christmas idea and one of the best symbols of the historical Christian church tradition.  So why not share?:

DREAM: I was in a poor community. I was like a community organizer to help bring needed life resources. Today I was participating in their ritual of 'food sharing' , whatever they had. I was in charge of a large pile of bagged groceries for a group. The idea was for me to bring in extra food for the pile. But I had found none that was in addition to what my group already had contributed. Another group added some bags seeing the situation. I was disappointed that I had added nothing.  

And time came for the group to open the bags. They did it orderly and gave to each other according to needs. No one was left out. There were genuine smiles on their faces and I inwardly cried with honor for their rich humanity. They were pleased I was there and not resentful of my failed efforts. End.

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