Saturday, February 15, 2025


What C.G.Jung describes below has been going full steam for several centuries, that of losing our roots to things that do not belong to or fit us yet...for example our thrill with modern technologies which the soul is not the least interested in yet. Our soul is old and calls us back(not to 1950 but much further) and down( For example into our nightly dreams.) But we've long been deluded to striving forward and up Our immediate forebears were generally as lost, missing the trail needed, as we are. None of us escapes the suffering of this necessary trick of evolution, even those who better 'see' it, such as Jung and others a century ago. To reorient, we start by being aware of this long and deep developed problem.(Jung wrote these paragraphs about 100 years ago. Few were ready to hear it then. We still need to see ourself as a product of the preceding centuries, even millennia, not ones who are new by any means.) Then our values will indeed transform. No longer will we be much interested in what modern culture, mass movements and unconscious people expect of us. Or how we must fit in to any pressured political or religious mass idea. We'll better see our presnt national/world condition as a result of being off course for what life is now, after our wandering in the wilderness, calling us to. We'd not get enthusiastic in latest collective promises and power struggles no matter where they come from. Instead, we'd be drawn to our personal essence, what we really are and what we are here for individually in our times. Then many persons will be truly successful at being uniquely human, and what that may really mean now, with its true barely imagined yet grandeur. We'd also find a humanity which decides to seriously cooperate with our Earth home. We'd nurture it, not ignore its needs and pillage it as we've done the latest century. Our very unusually threatening/chaotic times may be a catalyst to push us into a higher awareness of our true needs personally and collectively. I'm hoping so.

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