Friday, November 20, 2020


I don't make this statement with any wish or joy that our sitting President's character has not been morally up to the task of being President of the United States of America. I so wish he had been able, like others, to grow into it. So much horrendous loss, now and to come, would have been averted.

Sadly. This symbolic cartoon image is not much of an exaggeration, in my best judgment,  of what is happening  in very high positions of our country,  especially  the presidency.  

This is hard for me to admit.  These are high positions in  which before most of us have been able to respect the moral decency and truth telling of the office holder. 

But never has it been more like this abandon to  self gorging power image in my lifetime. Thankfully  we can still  see some individuals in office, if not  already fired for doing right, who sustain, by their manner of operating,  our respect and confidence. 

And for the health and well being of the nation this state of federal government  needs to be personally and sadly  acknowledged by as many citizens who see it this way in their most honest hearts, even many of those who have before put their hopes in Mr. Trump.  

It has not gone well  or honorably by any definition.  I see no rational way out of our most serious problems other than this sad open recognition by most individual  American citizens. This may be now impossible? 

Perhaps some national spiritual awakening, beyond our rational capacities,  is another possible way for such a recognition of our morally deteriorated state of affairs to  dawn on such a necessary majority..

And , make no mistake, every day until that confidence can be something genuine and practiced in the Presidency our country is not in good, safe or honest hands. This is truthfully how it is now in my opinion.