Saturday, December 30, 2023


The kind of spiritual insight Jung describes below is what I hear in the United Church of Christ's statement that 'God is still speaking. Don't place a period where God has placed a comma' it says.

The Jesus story, as other authentic spirit stories,  is not about returning to any history but to a non-historical (Not done like this before.)'new creation'. This is the living authentic meaning of spiritual hope in the human heart, of genuine en'courage'ment in despair, of enthusiasm( God breathed) about the nature of life and of living it. 

Sadly the same mistake is usually made with the Jesus story as in other authentic religious movements. It is willfully squeezed into artificially imitating or copying some version  of the symbolic historical story. 

Creatively living the Jesus story is never about redoing any history but about living courageously, humbly and lovingly one's unique life as Jesus is pictured in the gospels' stories living his. 

'New Creation' living, we might call it, is about anyone who hears the inner Divine voice and call, wrestles with it and decides to follow it's meaning -day by day and hour by hour. 

There are many examples of this immemorial 'religious' type attitude recorded and observed. Those become history's symbolic stories. And to practice them afresh and uniquely always brings some new and needed thing into this ever evolving world.


Monday, December 25, 2023


Oh the danger of expecting a proclaimed  charismatic leader to take over our own personal and unique responsibilities which destiny assigns to each individual. 

Surely only this approach and insight  can guide one to his/her truthful duty to others and to what is always called God. Any group allegiance to an accommodating proclaimed leader tears down that process of improving, making more compassionate and just, any human group or whole culture.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

DREAM: HUMAN COMMON CARE...December 24, 2023

Dreams are often too personal to share. Partly because the shadow aspect, instead of being repected for its honesty, will often be negatively judged.  No developing person needs that.

Dreams are likely our most handy and direct honest connection to our unconscious spiritual roots. But aren't usually appropriate for community 'testifying'. The community is often not ready for such personal intensity.  Our richest internal experiences should be discerningly and sparingly shared Imo.

With that reservation I share my most recent dream. I think it reflects a best spirit of the modern Christmas idea and one of the best symbols of the historical Christian church tradition.  So why not share?:

DREAM: I was in a poor community. I was like a community organizer to help bring needed life resources. Today I was participating in their ritual of 'food sharing' , whatever they had. I was in charge of a large pile of bagged groceries for a group. The idea was for me to bring in extra food for the pile. But I had found none that was in addition to what my group already had contributed. Another group added some bags seeing the situation. I was disappointed that I had added nothing.  

And time came for the group to open the bags. They did it orderly and gave to each other according to needs. No one was left out. There were genuine smiles on their faces and I inwardly cried with honor for their rich humanity. They were pleased I was there and not resentful of my failed efforts. End.


WHAT ABOUT OUR EGOS?? December 24, 2023

 WHAT ABOUT OUR EGOS? Someone in a FB group asked if our ego is important? Does it help us? Or would we be better persons without it?

There may be some confusion about the ego, as described by Jung, as a central part of who we are. I offered this response:

I'd say, and I think Jung confirms, your ego is extremely important. Without our ego, what we call our 'me' or 'I', we have no solid identity. Jung says the first half of life is rightly devoted to building  a healthy ego. It is called our 'conscious' ego.   No ego would mean no consciousness, no me.

So what is the negative aspect of our ego? It gets complicated. In building up itself from its first appearance in early childhood the ego begins to assume it is like a little god. This can continue in different degrees throughout life. The ego innocently believes its personal consciousness is the full, right and complete consciousness. It can come to think others and the world should serve it and may feel rejected when they don't.

So that naturally developing self-centeredness becomes an unconscious aspect of the ego. I suspect no one escapes this situation. It is this unconscious (unknowing)aspect of the ego that induces it to over-estimate its, otherwise amazing, existence.

I'd say the ego suspects it needs to submit itself to something higher than itself and, depending on the person, s/he will try to permanently submit itself to a parent, a partner, a hero, a party, a profession, a religious creed or formula. ...on and on. None of this works well because any of these will take over the ego, helping it to not take mature responsibility for itself but casting itself upon some other person, thing or belief system.

Jung suggests that the ego does need to learn to yield itself to that which is worthy to be yielded to. He calls that something the larger Self, an inner experienced spiritual reality whose goal for the ego is 'wholeness' or 'completeness',  not the 'perfection' the culture has told it to be. But becoming this ever developing, unique, flawed and increasingly conscious self Jung suggests is the paramount spiritual goal for each human life.

This yielding of the ego to the higher reality (This is the origin of the Jungian notion of AA's higher power) toward a unique whole or complete person should keep one developing spiritually/psychologically for a whole lifetime. Jung calls the process 'individuation'. Through it one's consciousness(ego) and

unconscious material gradually added to it lets this pair of opposites(and many other pairs of opposite experiences we often painfully learn from) unite to be in increasing harmony.

The above is my effort at a synopsis. Maybe it can be helpful?

Long story short. It is very important to much value your ego always. Never reject it but always question it (That never dawns on some people because their ego is still like an authoritative god-parent.)Become aware of your ego's issues. Remind it, your conscious ego self, that there is still much remaining in its larger unconscious(eg. personal denials and repressions, other persons' different experiences than yours, plus the timeless inner contents of the vast Collective Unconscious-common to every human.) of which your ego is simply not yet aware.

So our ego, no matter how conscious it becomes, must learn to live and behave with a solid level of genuine humility. This seems central to our human condition, like it or not.

As complicated as our human condition is, as described above, it seems that a prideful 'I already know what is true and best' approach to life and others is unwarranted and untruthful. As this is learned we might better resist falling under the unbalancing influence of persons , groups, media or beliefs which show signs of not yet learning well about their own ego.  Imo increases in this kind of personal/social awareness might significantly make the world safer and more compassionate.

Saturday, November 25, 2023


Some thoughts: Established world religions have served the internal, psychological/spiritual needs of humankind( recall we're told all persons are created in an image of God) from the historical rise of human consciousness out of unconsciousness. 

At the heart of these legitimate symbolic religions, including the original Christ religions, is the psychological/spiritual truth, " The Kingdom of God is in you." That is that 'God things' are primarily descriptions of spiritual, not material reality.

An unfortunate thing is in the past 400 years the Christ religion has been interpreted literally, that is materialistically, not as first an internal spiritual reality. This has happened primarily in an effort to make the ancient religious statements of our culture logically compatible with the ever-growing materialistically true statements of science. 

This misguided effort to make important religious statements such as the 'virgin birth of God' , 'baptism into Christ', "walking on water", a one-time physical 'second coming of Christ' and so many more be material/literal statements effectively closes the door of the human logical mind. This prevents these spiritual realities from being received as spiritual/psychological knowledge of the heart. The statements then lose their transforming power for human heart/soul development. And we wonder 'Why is religion not fulfilling its purpose to make life more compassionate and peaceful on earth?' 

Christians now find  themselves forced to be 'believers' in what they conscientiously 'know' are materially nonsense statements and doctrines. This results in a breaking of true conscience (of the human experience of being honest with onesself) rather than having a natural genuine trust from internally directed spiritual statements; statements and symbols which naturally fit human inner needs effectively and potentially personality transforming. 

This kind of psychological explanation imo is a spiritual internal path and process by which one may actually become spiritually 'religious' and experience such 'real' inner undeniable effects as 'amazing grace', 'eternal salvation',  'joy unspeakable', 'trust in life', 'peace that passes understanding', patience, love, eternal hope etc. etc.

Friday, November 24, 2023


 C.G. Jung here described his concern for the mind of modern people nearly a 100 years ago. He was a strong scientist but not a 'scientific materialist.' That is he saw evidence that humans'  personal experience is more than only material, more than only what comes to us through the five physical senses. 

Our Western inherited hard-won amazing science, Jung would insist, does not yield the full truth about the human condition when joined with an unwarranted assumption. That assumption being that all important truth for humans comes only through the human capacity to reason logically from what can be observed through our five physical material senses.

Our American culture's worldview is still primarily 'scientific materialism' whether a person yet sees this about onesself or not. Jung here mourns that we have literally lost touch with the part of ourself that is not material. Our inner depths or soul nature has no culturally sanctioned ways to express and practice itself in the intellectual atmosphere of only materialism. 

Religions, in spite of their flaws, with their rich storehouse of mythological narratives for many ages provided an expression of the inner life for most people. Unfortunately, today even most religions have succumbed to materialism (matter is the only reality that matters)and offer modern people little real help in finding soul, one's true inner life. 

Jung's work and writing are about pointing ways back to the human inner depths where matter and spirit are equally important and valued. Body and spirit, thinking and intuition, inner and outer worlds, physical fact and imagination/dreams, so much still separated in our culture, are in Jung encouraged toward union. And a person stands to find a genuine personal path toward wholeness. This rather than continuously seeking material achievement or some of the many materialistic versions of personal progress. 

As a result the ancient honor given to night and daytime dreams, imagination and human intuition are not respected as also essential processes in the human search for more complete and much needed truth and life guidance.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


That is not an easy question. Some go to great efforts to be remembered as they wish. In the end it seems to me life gives us the memories of others it chooses.

   I'd be pleased to be remembered as an imperfect yet kind and supportive man. Especially to my wife Beverly and my three children. 

   It might be worth remembering that I faced a totally unexpected 'midlife crisis' at age forty. My life had been very stable, organized and predictable. My young family needed that from me. But suddenly one's world can be stood on end with respect to life's work and by threats to some long held values. With me as a sincere minster it was my deeply ingrained and restrictive religious values and attitudes that, without my permission, were to be upset and challenged.

    I found that such a tornado in personal life can't be met with only good reasoning and ordinarily helpful advice. For it includes content from one's inner, at first seemingly irrational and illogical, depths of mind. One hopefully manages to find unexpected new paths and beliefs that better prepare him for the second half of life.

    While I was in this process there were numerous extended family and long time friends who were unable to join my rather irrational hope that new light would come from what only seemed to be darkness. C.G. Jung's writings on these topics were partially the grounds for my 'hope in the darkness.' I was extremely fortunate that my most immediate family kept confidence in me.

    The gracious outcome, after a couple of years, was that new paths for work opened up. Work that was far more in line with my natural abilities and temperament. The work included 19 years as licensed/ordained pastor to  Untied Church of Christ and Presbyterian(USA) churches, 12 years working for private and public institutions as an Illinois Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, 5 years as a science/math teacher for high risk students in our public schools and 13 years as a hospital/Hospice chaplain.

    This natural psychogical/social/spiritual process also unexpectedly worked for me a long retirement (unusual for such a diverse employment record) in which to reflect on the outer and inner aspects of my life experience. And do an amount of informal educational travel which I'd not expected to ever do.

    I am left grateful that I was granted work which fit me, benefited others appreciatively and provided well for my family.

    So I think this remembrance stands as an example of how a threatening midlife intrusion can generate positive life changes which a person would have never imagined from only their conscious ego efforts or plans. I hope such a remembrance might only increase someones' confidence in life and it's purposeful meandering ways.

I suspect there are times when it is best to step out of the way and let life happen.

  There's a deeper, unexpected, and somewhat  embarrassingly presumptuous, aspect to my strong turn at midlife.  It remains in many ways still beyond my comprehension. I became somewhat aware that my life was being a kind of divinely determined experiment.( I suspect this the case of all lives in their uniqueness.) That my life's central purpose, and its at first unconscious goal, was to become increasingly more conscious of love's meaning and power. And, in it's small unnoticed way, to promote somehow becoming more conscious of the importance, essential nature and supreme grandeur of creative love. 

It was a life shaped to surprisingly help drive home the eternal truth that in our lost and desolate times only a rediscovery of love from our depths can bring humans their highest personal joy. And also provide the redeeming path to prevent our destroying ourselves and this planet Earth, our only home. 

A love that pushes one beyond a healthy valuing of one's self and those in one's circle to a more universal love which embraces with equal value all of humanity and the Earth with all it contains.

I can point to my blog as my best, however scattered, effort to explain how I have discovered and experienced being such an unlikely experiment. There most any question that can be asked about me is directly or indirectly addressed.

Below is something I've just written in metaphorical language about love. It attempts to express the redeeming richness and beyond words our word love is pointing Western cultures toward in our present time:

"Even Carl Jung has credited Freud that the Western mind has still not significantly stated the importance of sex, of godlike Eros.

I doubt many couples or would-be lovers have yet to pay proper tribute to Sex or the Spirit. Have yet to know the cost they are asked to pay if they even get the chance.  

And Spirit and Eros are determinedly aiming at couples as their target, where consciousness born in humble delicate childlike mutuality and beyond reasoned words can still happen, not at the alone
 individual level.

Westerners are too sophisticated for Eros and too brutish for the Spirit.  We are not yet ready to play in life's mud to retrieve its golden most expensive hidden treasure. And maybe not ready to support it happening to someone else for the good of all.

Eros and Spirit determine to be united in the couple's sincere shared spiritual ecstacy where no words matter except, 'O my dear Holy God.' We indeed are religious at our core. 

Such a union results in the nameless that is beyond our definitions of either Eros or Spirit. It must happen when the swirling  undefined  and gathered 'All and Nothing' of the Great Mother finds, to it's own shock, it's most important and secret meaning and expression of love within two. The primordial eternal Yin and Yang.

Of love which truly is, after all else is gone, in all and every way the greatest of what is, can be or has ever been.  

Ironically and sadly I confess it is out of my life's part of not living in personal sexual/spiritual love that any insight into the grand meaning and extreme importance of love has come to my conscuous attention and deliberation.  Perhaps only a broken heart is able to sing of 'joy unspeakable and full of glory.' Maybe this has been the only way the experiment could proceed? 

I'm always very grateful of such love if I sense it in others' faces, words and actions. I must be some proof we cannot egotistically will such love including its Eros  and Spirit aspects into being. It will always be the highest gift and grace bestowed on a human by the Divine will and Its own need for a more expanded consciousness of love through love's suffering in both God and the Human Creature.

I'm very appreciative of 'youthful Jim(Jimmy)' and believe his path has been much as it had to be.




Sunday, August 13, 2023


This requires a very specific effort to set aside one's conscious ego (our 'me')and its desires, regarding expectations about the beloved, for the benefit of the beloved one.

It is the opposite of 'posessing' the other. This must surely be the ultimate test of enduring Human/Divine love; as well as the source of authentic joy of loving another person over time.

Anything less- however much called love-is the desire, often unconsciously, to have power over the other. To have the other be what one's own ego imagines or desires them to be, not who they actually are. This is the opposite of love.


I made this wall hanging yesterday. It is the native lumber board with the home address '608' tacked to it. It was part of a sixty-year-old fence I tore down two years ago. The number '608' took on strong symbolic meaning to me some thirty years ago. It now feels foundational to my life experience.

For three decades my forty-seven-year '608' E. Lincoln St. address has been symbolic of my personal development, or in Jung's term, of my on-going individuation process.

'Six' to me is a number indicating change. I relate it to my first adult need/readiness for complex changes in outlook of myself, others and of the world. Rather early on I found by 'accident' some writings of C.G. Jung applicable to my needs and the IChing, the ancient Chinese Book of Changes, based on symbolic common archetypal configurations of the number six.

Reflecting, I consider myself at thirty-eight years old(1982) as having been, still mostly unconscious, a very ripe 'six' in this developmental process. It's as if I'd been psychologically/spiritually prepared for significant personality/values changes by experiencing my personal limits of some highest and lowest realities from the common-to-all Collective Unconscious.

'Zero' I take as the time of initial, and reocurring, experience of  humbling. Inutially some archetypal energies of the Collective Unconscious all but overwhelmed my ego, my 'I' or 'me'. The building-up of experienced outer/inner life tensions threatened me with the potential loss of mind and of a sound ego awareness. I experienced my greatest battle.

I was compelled in time to know that my ego awareness, as important and essential as it is, is so very small compared to the powers and contents of the Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious might be thought of as, 'All that is, has been or ever can be'. In practical terms the Unconscious introduced my ego to inner images of the 'other', the Divine/Sacred, often called God throughout the ages.

In the 'zero' state I learned that the Unconscious makes itself known to the smaller but eager ego consciousness, in Jungian terms, as the Self. The Self is the only all-encompassing mind factor that I conscientiously can and morally must, to keep claiming my full humanity, bow to and give my highest allegiance.(I learned also that the Self does not ask for blind obedience but invites one to an encounter where human honesty, trust, doubt, courage, questioning and dialogue are some highest values.)

'Eight' being 'two times four' is a strong psychological/spiritual symbol of the embedded human aspiration to consciously reach for the 'wholeness, completeness and uniqueness' of adult personhood. This I believe is a primary goal for which our souls break into this earthly/bodily human life.

This kind of life journey and development toward unique completion is never for any kind of moral or religious perfection which often actually interferes with it. This kind od quest is, in my view, the highest and lowest reaches life places before each of us. It is a value we can take as our own and choose doing what we can to support others in their Self-finding journey to wholeness.

In ways beyond my capacity to articulate or well grasp intellectually, the 'eight' state of mind teaches that the most important experiences one can have are effectively being loved by another and of effectively, creatively and uniquely loving another. 

Love is not yet humanly well-defined ir described except as it is experienced directly through one's whole being: mind, body and soul.

For three decades it has been helpful to me to adapt three ancient Greek words for love, taken together, as a baseline for the present-day ego and heart to work with. These are:

1. Agape- An unconditional, unrelenting high regard for the other person.
2. Phileo- The experience of honest/trusting, relaxed and heart-warming friendship.

And of far higher value than the Western world has consistently given it, but instead has generally denigrated its spiritual/psychological importance to our human evolutionary path is:
3. Eros- The spiritual/psychological experience that makes a human feel most alive and joyfully ecstatic. It can be felt toward various realities including devotion to strongly felt personal vocations(soul callings) of many kinds.

Of a most importance, in my best judgment, never should the fulness of Eros respectfully attracting prepared intimate human partners be underestimated.  It can be, in my opinion, a primary channel for the highest development of persons. And capable even of generating compassionate cultures never yet created and being always central to the world's survival and thriving. 

What the Unconscious helps happen in state 'eight' is Eros is shown to be elevated to a union of Spirit and Matter, of Venus and Apollo, of masculine and feminine, of reason and irrationality. Sexuality and spirituality, of psychological necessity for our evolving times, seek to become one.

Eros, supported by the other love expressions, must surely be a redeeming "Divine/Human power" (A Paul Tillich quote)still in and among us.

We can rightfully aspire to be open to a full measure of unfathomable love. And no conscientious person need be discouraged or embarrassed if such love has not yet become very consciously experienced. Love has its own autonomous timing. our ego is not its master. No matter our personal present state of love, every human can be grateful that such love lives in couples across the Earth and to trust that  the numbers now grow. All mature loves benefit all persons and the creation.

Many persons have historically insisted that their transforming experiences of love have been clearly best described as personal gifts received, as Divine grace unexpectedly extended.

These three 'states' of development are only generally sequential in me. They overlap and none of them ceases to operate. Nothing is left behind. All is returned to in reflection to better secure the expanding foundation the Self has added to a humbled ego consciousness. There is what Jung called a 'circumambulating' movement of themes around some central image for the Self.

Saturday, June 24, 2023


This movie I think has the potential to transform the person who actually takes it all in. And it's a transformation still sorely needed in this world. It covers so much of honest living: a meaning of childhood, unity of humanity, neighborliness, a true picture of character, manliness, courage and tenderness. And even a model for facing evil and ignorance in the world. It made me more proud to be an Alabamian,home of the creative author.
Gregory Peck’s mighty performance as decent attorney Atticus Finch is the anchor of this adaptation of Harper Lee’s inspiring novel. Lee herself agreed—the author and actor kept in private touch for decades. The film is also about surrogate fathers and defenders; watch for a young Robert Duvall as the mysterious Boo Radley, a ghost and a hero. -- It puzzles me why it did not more profoundly and lastingly affect the eternal race problem in our nation..when one of our own, perhaps somewhat unconsciously, can lay it out so clearly in story? The nation has continued to violate its message all along with every imaginable excuse. But maybe it did help alter history...The'Civil rights' movement.


What an excellent preaching effort by Jim Rigby of Austin, Texas. To put into words for today what was originally wordless and unexplainable living symbols. Symols that captured many persons' hearts in early first century Palestine. The experience brought with it a clarity beyond ordinary words or preaching. A clarity, which seemed from God, of how one person supposedly modeled for others how humans are designed to highly value each other human. This indescrible falling-star beginning was quickly, within two centuries at most and probably sooner in some places, undermined by its own leaders for self serving power. We can hope for such a collective clarity, that fits our times and needs,again.
TO HELL WITH IMPERIAL CHRISTIANITY When Christianity spread into the Roman Empire it went through a terrible reframing. The Roman emperor Constantine forced bishops to come up with creedal statements that had little or nothing to do with the original teachings of Jesus. For many, the Christian religion was reduced to supernatural claims and cultic moralisms. For many, Christianity was reframed from a religion of empathy to one of mind control. If the new imperial Christians were superstitious and ignorant about this world, it was okay because they became experts on the world to come. If they couldn’t be good neighbors to the poor and outcast, it was okay because they were good neighbors to their new and improved Jesus who was no longer concerned with the poor and outcast. I believe there is confusion in calling the Christianity of Constantine and that of Jesus by the same name. I’m not saying we should argue about who gets the label, but it is important to remember that, if some Christians want to force their dogma into the public square- it is the Christianity of Constantine, not Jesus. If some Christians are more concerned with maintaining their culture's norms than including their culture's scapegoats- it is the Christianity of Constantine, not Jesus. If some Christians are more concerned about the the success of the American economy than with liberating workers enslaved in sweatshops all over the globe- it is the Christianity of Constantine, not Jesus. And, if the cross is a symbol of Christian exceptionalism instead of a call to suffer on behalf of the oppressed- it is the Christianity of Constantine, not Jesus!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Beautiful Love Is Never Easy. April 20, 2023


Tap and open.