Monday, January 8, 2018


I suspect the most realistic hope now for the nation and world is a classically 'religious' one.

By that I don't mean one religion overthrowing another or one political view dominating. But that from ideals and ethical principles which worked to solidify cultures for centuries stirred up presently by an overwhelming deconstructing institutional chaos, a transformed world view will spontaneously arise among a majority of concerned humans.
Attending The Wounded In Another American Mass Shooting.
This would be a genuinely 'religious' solution to our times, a naturally occurring spiritual evolutionary response to a forming new Epoch unlike any of the past. This new Epoch has now  emerged. It has brought complex problems needing addressed for which our science based technology, well worn paths of 'common sense'  and traditional religious interpretations are glaringly insufficient.

Major religions have immemorially used the  symbol of baptism for such potential and timely  transformations of the social order resulting in a new collective human world view.
Flood/'Baptism' Scene In 'Brother Where Art Thou.'

Baptism has always spoken of a frightening  chaotic destruction of present cultural  orientations and mindsets surprisingly followed by a 'resurrection' of some new arrangement of old principles and orders. Religiously this is  retrospectively seen as not by human plan or conspiring. But by real unseen natural  psychological factors which are consistent with best human intelligence; and which also are far ahead of conscious human wisdom capacities.

Extreme Polarizing Of Dysfunctional Politics.
Such a 'new creation' would seem to have come  'from above'. Such a deep quality of hope has developed and persisted before in ancient times of sweeping social transitions such as 2000 years ago. Now seems to be such a time again. Such a hope stands in harmony with best science knowledge but goes beyond the conscious wisdom capacities of materialistic science. Perhaps we are very justified in such an anciently grounded inclusive hope for humankind.

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