Friday, January 12, 2018

THE PRESIDENT SPEAKS OF "shithole' NATIONS.... January 11, 2018

Behind the "Shithole" statement......I'm confident that he lives with such  'self' confidence. (of successfully talking himself out of the Shithole statement and any other  false or demeaning statement he makes.)

Being unconsciously in the grip of archetypal energies inflates  ones ego. It is the feeling of truly being God. Most of us with reasonably  strong egos have experienced, to lesser extent but no less real,  this irrational state of mind and recognize  it it as a weakness and aberration.
I sense  Mr Trump  is under a strong spiritual energy that has over taken the  ordinary ego long ago. I suspect he believes he  has' found God'  and believes it is himself. This is no exaggeration. This should not be expected to change for he shows no signs of resisting it.  Instead he personally thrives in his invincible ''god almightiness'.

It is such an inspiring thing that   those in his presence are easily pulled into this archetypal energy. So they react to  him as if to a god not realizing what has captured them.

This is  no different psychologically  than the experience of ancient gods in pre Christian times.. This dynamic  is different and stronger than any rationality. Reason will always fail and is no match to it.

Those around him, and regular citizens,  who see this as a national  danger will need more than a strong opposing  political orientation to not be bamboozled by it. Senator Durbin seemed able to make a fairly rational ,maybe hopefully  more than political, description of the  infamous  'shithole' meeting.

Those of us  concerned, from his campaign till now, about the dangers of trump idealism need to guard against becoming simply the other polarizing  national energy around him. If not we become no more  objective than Fox friends, just the other emotional based  extreme. That is not enough for a clarifying , healing or consciousness raising response. It only promotes another unrealistic fantasy if it brings no more than polarity  to the situation.  To rest in one pole of a cultural  or  personal polarized situation is to give  up finding a  middle  healing path. Any polarity  position only sees what it looks for after so long. So called 'Trump Resistors', like myself,  are in that danger now.

CG Jungs clarification of the  very real archetypal energies  can be of  much help in having a suitable response to any idealism. And not simply becoming the opposite emotional polarizing  response to the archetype  such as  has been externalized in front of us  via the Trump persona. Reasoning and emotionalism  are both, even together, insufficient.


  1. You removed this from Facebook? In any case, I couldn't post my comment. I wanted you to get it.

    So, I wrote:
    Thank you for this post. I liked it, especially, "It is such an inspiring thing that those in his presence are easily pulled into this archetypal energy. So they react to him as if to a god not realizing what has captured them... This is no different psychologically than the experience of ancient gods in pre Christian times.. This dynamic is different and stronger than any rationality." I would love to read posts by you explicitly on this topic.

    1. Thank You very much.There are similar essays on this same blog. Scroll down and click 'web version.' You will see other blog posts on the right.

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