Monday, January 27, 2020

Opening Ourselves To Ever Present Images That Can Healthily Transform Us... January 18, 2020

'Primordial images' refers to the language of dreams and the ancient myths, including those of religious story and fairy tales.
I think Jung is saying these images and feelings, though coming from below and the past , can raise us above our temporary, local material grasp of life and its meaning and endurance.  This is the natural process by which humans have been mindfully or psychologically transformed throughout the ages. 

Primordial repeating images of all humankind and nature nearly always find their way into our best most creative art as novels, drama, painting , poetry , music and film.
When you leave such entertainment where you have been touched deeply, resist concluding , 'It was only a movie or music or play."
It was more likely your potential encounter with the depths, with the primordial images, with the Divine itself. Dont dismiss it. Take it in fully. Meditate on it. Dont miss its life shaping meaning for you. It is far above our mundane surface encounters, sound bites and trivia.
Our culture has sensitized us to give no value or emotional recognition to these windows where the Divine seeks to touch us. We are told that is only fantasy, childishness, superstition rather than the natural material for building up an inner spiritual life.
This is a tragedy-our modern acceptance of a materialistic shallow orientation toward the world, nature and the Sacred.
We can each change that by anticipating and valuing the primordial images as they seek to reach our resisting ego consciousness.

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