Monday, January 27, 2020

The Glaring Embarrassment Of Wealth Inequality In Present Humanity... January 20, 2020

Look for a moment at the big picture of creation and the whole world. After all each of us is a conscious part of this same big world.

Can anyone seriously harmonize this actual material wealth  situation with our humane idea that the Earth and human knowledge, with their gifts of food, clothing, shelter and medical care,  are divinely intended as the gifts of God to every person?
Or do some truly still think that the Divine will is that these gifts should be harshly withheld from billions of  humans and absurdly lavished on others?
And that if we personally have, for whatever reasons we state, these essential human needs consistently met that it is not necessarily each one's personal concern that so many don't?
Does our having such a self focused attitude reflect that a human is failing to  practice the use of his or her rational and caring capacities? The world, and its  humans who are barely if at all subsisting,  have no one else to count on but us more materially enriched humans. The other plants and creatures can't do this kind of thoughtful reflection and planning. But we can.

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