Thursday, May 21, 2020


I think this well describes, as daunting as it sounds,  the  long time developing present psychological /spiritual state of at least Western humanity.

But Jung also anticipated a change in this isolated condition could be at hand. Tildehard de Chardin called it an enfolding of humanity onto itself. A state of great chaos and animosity which though could awaken us to our higher values, a higher consciousness and reconnect us to nature and to our actual place in the universe.  Humans will  cease to see themselves as competitors with each other but as cooperators with that which is much larger.

What has long sunk into unconsciousness may be quite a ways along to coming back into consciousness now ... first to a person here and to one there throughout the world.

Until there is truly a new epoch to appear, ones that last generally for about 2000 years before becoming irrelavant for the new needs of humanity. Christian symbolism and the  physical/natural science it inspired have been the dominant living symbols in the West for that long. What the new ones arriving from our collective unconacious via natural evolutionary paths no one can know. But it will to very many seem new and much better to us than anything has been before.

We will lose our strong nostalgia or longing  for 'good old days'. We will be most glad for the 'new creation'

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