Thursday, May 21, 2020


It's pretty clear Presidents Trump and Xi, to varying degrees with Trump being more, did what a very common human weakness does when faced with bad damaging news: They did not face the reality, danger and consequences of the Coronavirus and held truth from the people dependent on them for that.

That weakness in a person then turns automatically to their only way out, to blame others for their own lack of facing truth and acting on it with their governing power for the benefit and protection of the people. This is the path that President Trump is taking and President Xi to a lesser degree.

For small people this is expected but for ones who formally vowed to protect their countries as the top officer it is nothing short of a betraying cowardice. It is a leader not facing the truth  at their crucially appointed time as a nation's leader.

America, more deeply and obstinately than China, was deserted by its top official when his courage was most needed. Nothing can change this in history now. The more the facts are combed through the more glaring this lack of rising to the occasion with truth and courage  will become.

In spite of this governing  leadership  blundering at the federal level the American people with a scattered leadership style( a real leader here and there) will find it's way through this.  And I'm counting on will have relearned that Qualified, Competent, Honest leadership in the central government is how America has always thrived the best.

This principle is at the core of America's best past and it's best destiny as a nation of descent reliable persons in the world. If enough people learn to vote for this principle at every election  the Coronavirus will be understood as a harsh  but perfect gift for our awakening. There never is any real awakening  of the human heart without a preceding most unwelcome harshness. It is how human nations learn their biggest  lessons or they become the refuse of social evolution.

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