Sunday, May 30, 2021

'Abortion' A WORD THAT HAS BLINDED AMERICA ..May 30, 2021


Wonder why this is the case? I fell under this delusion about the nature of abortion in 1968. Little did I know that all of 'evangelical' Christisnity was about to make it as it's new marching orders and a new political ideology. Most Republicans, acknowledging it or not, have become for all practical purposes one issue voters. If a politician, no matter his character and competence, claims to be anti-choice he gets the vote.

The misguiding and tragically destructive spell the word abortion casts was fully lifted from me by 1980 while I was still a preacher in an evangelical church. I'm grateful for that and wish it for so many others. 

Imo our nation would be so much healthier emotionally, spiritually and politically if there were not this single emotionally based sentimental obsession, which blinds people to the issues we need to nationally face now. This was also the beginning of many ordinary folks turning to an anti-science attitude regarding many crucial issues facing us.

If this word abortion were not such an immediate obsession with so many I don't think there would have ever been a Trumpism. Yet it's important to understand the nation had been groomed for a Trump type leader for many decades by an anti womens' choice attitude. And I suspect he would be quick to allow his own family women to choose abortion.

This political hostility toward women and opposing the human right for her own timing to have children I'm confident will not stand against the slow but strong evutionary trajectory for the full equality of women. Such a backward societal leaning will not imo survive against modern scientific/psychological kowledge or the emerged urgent need of America to discover a new redeeming spiritual/religious attitude in our land.

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