Tuesday, June 1, 2021


 It is seeming to me that for most to find and follow ones true self one must make mental contact with and be influenced by some, at least one, of the greatest human genius creative minds.

 Instead we tend to listen and follow some watered down worn out values and principles and cliches of our collective cultures , groups and institutions. Or easily fall into some form of the obsessive materialism of our times.

I know little of Tolstoy except that he is one of those gifted genius minds, one of those who is actually a spiritual gift to all of humanity. Jim Rigsby happened onto him it appears. 

These creative genius minds turn out, often in spite of themselves, to also be the greatest lovers, lovers of all humankind. So they all are teaching the same thing, that the greatest of all things is indeed love. If we can only discover what that means to us and spend a significant part of life doing do it. Then we might more fully, and perhaps more consciously, become what we are intended to be.

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