Sunday, June 13, 2021


There are individuals in high leadership positions in our government who have healthy respectful views of the many natural differences among us human beings as citizens. 

And there are also many in high positions who see 'other than their circle or kind' as negatively different. These high end persons are NOT devoted personally to protecting by law the equal rights of all of us. This includes not standing up for persons of all colors, ethnicities, religions, sexual/gender identifications and any 'other' minority demographic. 

If we don't think it matters what kind of persons we vote for in this regard then aren't we essentially saying to all minorities, ' To hell with you. You just don't really matter as much as I and my kind do." ? Isn't that the opposite of what America, and for that matter the Christ story, professes to be about?

Don't we deceive ourself to claim to love, value and respect all humanity and still decline to make focused, deliberate, thoughtful political choices for the 'healthy' kind of candidates wherever they come from or what party they may be? 

And don't we deceive ourself to not realize there are times in our history, like now, where generally a whole party generally and openly does not seek to have 'healthy' individuals devoted to the rights and protections of all citizens as their candidates? Can we vote for such persons and still claim we care about securing equality for all of us? I'm not personally seeing how.

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